[sci.bio] Baya bird and fireflies

isaak@imagen.UUCP (Mark Isaak) (09/26/88)

The following appeared in the "Grab Bag" column of the San Francisco
Examiner 9/25/88:

        The baya bird of India doesn't like the dark, evidently.
    With bits of moist clay it attaches fireflies to its nest.  Am
    told the baya's nest at night looks like a street lamp.

Anyone know how accurate this is, or what's the full story?  My references
at home say only that the baya is a weaver bird which eats insects and nuts.
Mark Isaak    	{decwrl,sun}!imagen!isaak  or  imagen!isaak@decwrl.dec.com
	    "Inquiry is fatal to certainty." - Will Durant

bph@buengc.BU.EDU (Blair P. Houghton) (09/28/88)

In article <1902@imagen.UUCP> isaak@imagen.UUCP (Mark Isaak) writes:
>The following appeared in the "Grab Bag" column of the San Francisco
>Examiner 9/25/88:
>        The baya bird of India doesn't like the dark, evidently.
>    With bits of moist clay it attaches fireflies to its nest.  Am
>    told the baya's nest at night looks like a street lamp.
>Anyone know how accurate this is, or what's the full story?  My references
>at home say only that the baya is a weaver bird which eats insects and nuts.

Would all those who see it coming PLEASE not subject yourselves to the

Maybe the baya bird just enjoys a light snack of an evening...

				  "Some of us find it harder to
				   shake this monkey from our backs..."