[sci.bio] improper distillation of alcohol

larry@kitty.UUCP (Larry Lippman) (10/29/90)

In article <15727@netcom.UUCP>, mendi@netcom.UUCP (Greg Mendizabal) writes:
> >>  Ethylene glycol and diethylene glycol are two other contaminants, along
> >>with methanol.  Or, more properly, I should call them adulterants.
> >>The only way any of these chemicals gets into a still is if someone
> >>puts them there.
> >  -Steve dyer

	I'm afraid that I was not actively following this discussion, so
perhaps I'm getting in a bit late.

	Methanol *can* be produced by a purely "natural" mechanism during
the fermentation of alcoholic beverages, although it is a comparatively
rare occurence.

	Methanol can be produced during fermentation by the demethylation
of pectins by pectin esterase.  Common yeast found in alcoholic beverage
fermentation, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, does not form an enzyme capable
of hydrolizing pectins.  However, pectin esterase may be *abundantly*
found in the peel of citrus fruits and fungi.  Citrus fruit or grain that
has been allowed to mold, especially under conditions of high pH, will
readily form pectin esterase.

	As a result of the above mechanism, careless production of alcoholic
beverages using moldy fruit or grain can result in *significant* production
of methanol.

> > 1	Why would anyone intentionaly do that?  I do not see that
> > 	it would make any kind of economic sense to use a poison
> > 	like methanol or the others as a cut, because even adding
> > 	a tiny bit of volume with the cut would taste bad and make
> > 	people noticeably sick.

	The only "intentional" use of methanol as an adulterant to alcoholic
beverages that I am aware of was during Prohibition where it was, uh,
economically practicable.  The seriousness of the health implications
were also underestimated by the perpetrators.

Larry Lippman @ Recognition Research Corp.  "Have you hugged your cat today?"
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