[sci.bio] artificial insemination

hitt@Neon.Stanford.EDU (Daniel Hitt) (07/07/90)

I have a friend who is interested in getting pregnant.

She wants a strong, healthy, intelligent child, but does not
care about such things as hair color, eye color, race etc.

How can she obtain suitable sperm?  Can it be delivered through
the mail?  What kind of costs can she expect?

She is not married, and would like to work through discrete

Please e-mail any advice to me (hitt@neon.stanford.edu).


yj05@mrcu (Steve Collier) (07/10/90)

In article <1990Jul7.011016.2470@Neon.Stanford.EDU> hitt@Neon.Stanford.EDU (Daniel Hitt) writes:
>I have a friend who is interested in getting pregnant.
>She wants a strong, healthy, intelligent child, but does not
>care about such things as hair color, eye color, race etc.
>She is not married, and would like to work through discrete
>channels.                                          ^^^^^^^^

Sorry, I only have one. (Hint: discreet)
Steve Collier                    | Tel: +44 245 73331 x 3233
GEC-Marconi Research Centre      | Fax: +44 245 75244 Telex: 995016 GECRES G
GEC-Marconi Ltd, Great Baddow    | uucp: <world>!mcvax!ukc!gec-mrc!collier
Chelmsford,Essex. UK CM2 8HN     | Other: collier@uk.co.gec-mrc

larry@kitty.UUCP (Larry Lippman) (07/12/90)

In article <557@mrcu>, yj05@mrcu (Steve Collier) writes:
> >I have a friend who is interested in getting pregnant.
> >She wants a strong, healthy, intelligent child, but does not
> >care about such things as hair color, eye color, race etc.
> >She is not married, and would like to work through discrete channels.
> Sorry, I only have one. (Hint: discreet)

	I like that!  You clearly have my nomination for the Usenet
"Most Subtle Pun of the Year Award"!


Larry Lippman @ Recognition Research Corp.  "Have you hugged your cat today?"
VOICE: 716/688-1231 || FAX: 716/741-9635  {utzoo||uunet}!/      \aerion!larry