[sci.bio] Forwarded Bulletin

deba@mimsy.UUCP (Deba Patnaik) (12/08/87)

Received: by UMDC (Mailer X1.23b) id 2017; Mon, 07 Dec 87 15:37:09 EST
Date:     Mon, 7 Dec 87 15:36:30 EST
Subject:  a call for mol. biol. methods......
To: ("DEBA@MIMSY.UMD.EDU") <DEBA@mimsy.umd.edu>
Status: R

Sender:   Keith Elliston - Waksman Institute, Rutgers Univ.

To all Molecular Biologists:

I am in the process of compiling a manual of methods in molecular biology.  I
am concentrating on Plant Molecular Biology, but am interested in all tech-
niques that involve molecular biology.  I am compiling this manual with several
ideas in mind.  These are: 1) I want to have a compiled list of the latest
techniques in the field, 2) I want to be able to provide anybody I work with,
or who would like to have it, with this manual for their personal use, and
3) I would eventually like to "publish" this manual over the available
networks/bulletin boards as a service to the community at large.

I would like anyone who has a "favorite" technique, or one that they have
developed (or a twist on any popular or widely used technique), to submit
it to me, preferably with any and all pertinent references listed.  One
need not submit any protocols that are in generally wide use (such as those
listed in Molecular Cloning by Maniatis et al.), but only those that one is
intimately familiar with and has something new to offer.

I will be compiling this over the next 6 months or so, and will be preparing
it as a microsoft word file on a macintosh.  Thus, if you use a mac, I would
prefer receiving your document as a packed word or macwrite file.  I will be
sending the finished version out as both a macintosh file, and a Wordstar
file (for those who still use pc's).  I will, of course, list the contributors
of all materials, and will submit copies to them for review before posting
the final version.

If you have any questions or comments, please respond to me directly, or to
the biotech BBS (Biotech@UMDC).  Please feel free to send me your comments
and ideas for the best way to do this, should you have any better ideas.

Thanx in advance....


P.S.  it might be best to contact me before sending (or preparing for that
matter) your contribution.  Then we can discuss the format and etc.....
Keith O. Elliston                     |     Waksman Institute of Microbiology
Bitnet:  ELLISTON@BIOVAX              |     Rutgers University
Arpanet: ELLISTON@biovax.rutgers.edu  |     Piscataway, NJ  08854-0759

"-For with friends men are more able both to think and to act."     -Aristotle

tim@uw-nsr.UUCP (tim) (12/09/87)

In article <9665@mimsy.UUCP> deba@mimsy.UUCP (Deba Patnaik) quotes a message
from elliston@biovax:

>I am in the process of compiling a manual of methods in molecular biology.
> [ ... ]   I would eventually like to "publish" this manual over the available
>networks/bulletin boards as a service to the community at large.  [ ... ]

This has already been done on a commercial level by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.,
just this year.   The publication is called "Current Protocols in Molecular
Biology" and retails for $140 in US currency.  It comes in a loose-leaf binder
with quarterly supplements available by subscription.  I haven't seen this
product, only advertising about it, and thus have no knowledge concerning its
breadth or quality.
UUCP     :  ...!uw-beaver!uw-nsr!tim
Internet :  tim@nsr.bioeng.washington.edu