[sci.bio] Beta-amyloid gene duplication in Alzheimer's Disease

werner@aecom.UUCP (04/10/87)

! Beta Amyloid Gene Duplication in Alzheimer's Disease
! and Karyotypically Normal Down Syndrome
! Delabar J-M, Goldbarger D, Lamour Y, Nicole A, Huret J-L,
! Brown P, Gadjusek DC, Sinet, P-M
! Science 235:1390 (13 Mar 1987)

	With the recently cloned complementary DNA probe, lambda-Am4
for the chromosome 21 gene encoding brain amyloid polypeptide (beta 
amyloid protein) of Alzheimer's disease, leukocyte DNA from three 
patients with sporadic Alzheimer's disease and two patients with
karyotypically normal Down Syndrome was found to contain three copies
of this gene. Because a small region of chromosome 21 containing the
ets-2 gene is duplicated in patients with Alzheimer's disease, as well
as in karyotypically normal Down syndrome, duplication of a subsection
of the critical segment of chromosome 21 that is duplicated in Down
syndrome may be the genetic defect in Alzheimer's disease.

			      Craig Werner (MD/PhD '91)
              (1935-14E Eastchester Rd., Bronx NY 10461, 212-931-2517)
Everything's different. Nothing's changed. Well, only maybe slightly rearranged.