[sci.bio] Aleswhite

debbie@uwmeecs.UUCP (Debbie Wolden) (10/18/86)

> I'm doing a research paper on the Aleswhite problem that occured
> on Lake Michigan and/or Lake Huron in the late 60's through 70's.

the fish are called alewives.  when you live in milwaukee you get used to 
them.  they are silvery fish, about 4-6 inches long.  the way i understand
it, after they mate they physically deteriorate and die, rather like salmon.
in august the float around like they are drunk.  if you touch one it will
sometimes remember to swim a bit, then just starts acting drunk again. 
they wash up on shore and die.  it makes the beaches less pleasant
certainly, but you DO get used to them.  avoid the dead ones, but the 
dying ones are kind of amusing (unless you get one in your face).