[sci.bio] Communication amoung Bees

todd@uop.edu (Dr. Nethack) (02/12/88)

Can anyone please post and/or e-mail sources and discussions about
how Bees communicate.

I recall it is with dances and hormonal or scent releases.

Any references would be of great help, and this is needed A.S.A.P.

Thank you in advance for your time.

+ uop!todd@uunet.uu.net                                               + 
+                 cogent!uop!todd@lll-winken.arpa                     + 
+                                 {backbone}!ucbvax!ucdavis!uop!todd  + 

robert@artecon.UUCP (Robert C. Kunciov) (02/12/88)

For the most complete search on the literature of biology, you should contact:

     Biosciences Information Services of Biological Abstracts
     2100 Arch Street
     Philadelphia, PA 19107

This organization publishes _Biological Abstracts_ and has a huge DB for
retrospective searches of the literature.  I did some research years ago
on bee dances and got a significant number of hits and references to this
subject for a very small fee.  Sorry, I do not have the bibliography at my
finger tips--or their phone number.  The area code is 215.  This organization,
along with Chemical Abstract Services in Columbus, OH, reviews and abstracts 
more learned literature in chemistry and biological sciences than anyone
else I know of.  Generally speaking, they are a good starting point for serious
research in the field.  Good luck.
= Robert Kuncio  {sdcsvax|hplabs|ncr-sd|hpfcla|ihnp4}!hp-sdd!artecon!rck      =
=      "Will you walk a little faster?" said a whiting to a snail,            =
=      "There's a porpoise close behind us, and he's treading on my tail."    =
=                              Lewis Carroll, _Alice in Wonderland_           =