[sci.bio] Status of CASPAR and/or Molecular Architects Corporation

mark@sickkids.UUCP (Mark Bartelt) (03/10/88)

Not too long ago, there was a company in Sausalito named Molecular Architects
Corporation.  It sold a product called CASPAR, a set of programs that could be
used to predict protein structural features from primary sequence information.

This company seems to have gone out of business.  A few questions ...

First, has it in fact disappeared, or have they simply moved?  Does anyone
know for certain one way or the other?

Second, if the company is defunct, has any other company acquired rights to
the software?  I.e. who, if anyone, is selling and/or supporting it?

Third, does anybody have any experience with the package, good/bad/etc.?
If the software isn't any good, the first two questions are, of course,

Thanks in advance for any help.

				Mark Bartelt
				Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto
				UUCP: {utzoo,decvax,ihnp4}!sickkids!mark
				BITNET: mark@sickkids.utoronto