[sci.bio] Educational Materials

jimt@leadsv.UUCP (Jim Thompson) (02/09/91)

	I'm new to the net so I hope this hasn't come up lately:

	I'm trying to locate sources of educational materials for
	biology - epecially wallcharts concerning insects.

	If anyone knows the names of mail order companies and/or
	retail outlets in the San Francisco Bay Area I would 
	appreciate it if you could mail me the info.  I'll post
	a summary....

	Thanks.				Jim Thompson

lv08+@andrew.cmu.edu (Lili Velez) (02/12/91)

Jim --- (my system wouldn't believe your address existed, so this is
going to the net)

I would think that a good way to locate good materials would be by
investigating the teaching journals like  _The Journal of College
Science Teaching_, and _American Biology Teacher_.  They may have
recomendations of materials, and certainly national advertisers will be
hawking their wares in the journals

You might even check with some of the museums (incl. college-based
museums in Berkeley) -- they may have posters and other outreach
materials which you'd find useful.

Let me know what you come up with!

Lili Fox Velez
Dept of English/Dept of Biological Sciences
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA  15213
