[sci.bio] NonA NonB Hepatitis

steiner@bgsuvax.UUCP (Ray Steiner) (07/22/88)

My wife has a severe(diagnosed case) of NonA-NonB hepatitis. 
In all probability she caught it from an accident she had
with a Hawaiian Flying fish(Malolo) in November, 1986. She
was swimming in the ocean off Maui when the fish hit her
in the face. It then entered her mouth, causing severe
lacerations of the gums and cheek. She escaped from the
fish after biting it and ingesting its blood. About a
month later she started having the symptoms listed below,
and her problem was diagnosed at Cleveland Clinic in
July, 1987. Her symptoms are as follows:
1). Spiking fevers(as high as 38.7 degrees C.)
2). Joint pains and swelling
3). Severe migraines triggered by the fevers. These
can often last for weeks.
4). Tremendously high CPK(usual range 1300-2100)
5). Elevated cholesterol and other liver enzymes(Her SGOT
has ranged from  700-2000 at times).
6). Chest pains
7). Severe abdomial pain and total loss of potassium.
8). Wide open sores on her face and buttocks. These respond
for some strange reason to Noroxin, but when the Noroxin
is stopped they reappear.

We have tried to get her into one of the many studies
involving interferon in the United States, but to no
1). NIH is not currently accepting new patients for
interferon studies.
2). Ditto for some other centres we have called.
3). Cleveland Clinic will only take you if you
got the disease from a blood transfusion, are a
street junkie or are a lab technician(protocol problems).
Since my wife doesn't fall into any of these categories,
we are up a creek. 
My question is: Is there an interferon study for Non-A,
Non-B hepatitis which is currently accepting new patients
without regard to protocol? If so, where is it and how
can we get my wife enrolled? Any info anyone could

provide would be most useful. Thanks

Ray Steiner 