[sci.bio] Animal Rights Debate

harris@portia.Stanford.EDU (Joe Harris) (03/20/90)

                                 LIVE DEBATE!

                                  DO ANIMALS
                                 HAVE RIGHTS?

                The answer to this question determines whether:

>The use of live animals for medical research should be abolished

>It is moral to keep animals in zoos or wild animal parks

>Humans may kill animals in order to eat them or make other use of their bodies
                No!                   |                 Yes!
         Dr. Edwin Locke              |        Dr. Steven Sapontzis
Professor of Business and Management, |       Professor of Philosophy,
     University of Maryland           |          Cal State Hayward
           Endorsed by:               |             Endorsed by:
      Coalition for Animals           |   People for the Ethical Treatment
       and Animal Research            |              of Animals
Citizens for Individual Rights, and   |         In Defense of Animals
     The Ayn Rand Institute           |          Fund for Animals, and
                                      |           Action for Animals
"The concept of rights presupposes    |
the existence of reason and volition  | 
and the capacity to govern one's      |
actions by means of moral principles. |  "Liberating animals is the next 
These capacities are not present      |  logical step in our overcoming of our
in animals; thus animals _do_ _not_   |  feudal heritage, by substituting
_possess_ _rights_."                  |  egalitarian for hierarchical 
                                      |  presumptions"
(Dr. Locke's appearance is funded by  |   (Dr. Sapontzis has declined any 
the Ayn Rand Institute.)              |   honorarium from animal rights
                                      |   organizations)

         Moderated by Myrna R. Miller, President, College of Marin

      (An extended question and answer period will follow the debate)

                       |College of Marin--Olney Hall|
                       |                            |
                       |       Kentfield Campus     |
                       |                            |
                       |   Saturday, March 24,1990  |
                       |                            | 
                       |           3:30 pm          |
                       |                            |
                       |        Admission free      |
                  For more information, call (415) 459-6680

        Hear Dr. Locke interviewed on KNBR-68AM, March 22, 2:30 p.m.

(Sponsored by the College of Marin Objectivist Club, with assistance from
The Ayn Rand Institute.)