[sci.bio] trace contaminants

finn@earth.arc.nasa.gov (JOHN FINN) (01/17/91)

   Are you doing or planning research related to control (removal) or 
generation of TRACE CONTAMINANTS in air or water?  [Examples: removal by 
photocatalytic oxidation, removal by adsorption, removal by reactive 
plasma, generation by algae, etc.]  If so, I would like to hear from 
you.  I am beginning studies of trace contaminant control in closed and 
near-closed loop air and water systems for long-duration manned space 
missions, and would like to learn what others are doing in related 
areas.  Through this letter I hope to make a few contacts and perhaps 
initiate some dialogue/discussion concerning various aspects of trace 
contaminant control: issues, theories, experiments, technologies, etc.

   Please respond with a brief summary of your work, perhaps a short 
bibliography, and how I might reach you. Electronic or postal mail is 
fine.  Also, if you have comments or suggestions I'd appreciate hearing 
from you.  Finally, please pass this letter on to anyone who might be 
interested but may not otherwise see it.  Thank you for your interest.

   I would particularly encourage you to respond if you are studying 
adsorption of trace components, as this is an area upon which I am 
focusing at present.

                                    Dr. John E. Finn
                                    NASA Ames Research Center
                                    M/S 239-11
                                    Moffett Field, CA  94035

P.S.: if you are sending E-mail and the message is not accepted here, 
please either try again later or send a letter.  Thanks.


   Are you doing or planning research *related* to removal, generation, 
or detection of TRACE COMPONENTS or CONTAMINANTS in air or water?  
[Examples: removal by adsorption, removal by reactive plasma, generation 
by algae, generation by offgassing, etc.]  If so, I would like to hear 
from you.  I am beginning studies of trace contaminant control in near-
closed-loop air and water systems for long-duration manned space 
missions, and would like to learn what others are doing in related 
areas.  Responses to this letter will assist me in forming a references 
database, and may provide a starting point for some dialogue/discussion 
concerning various aspects of trace contaminant control: issues, 
theories, experiments, innovations, technologies, etc.

   Electronic or postal mail responses are fine.  Brief summaries and 
short bibliographies are welcome, as are any comments or suggestions.  
Please pass this letter on to anyone who might be interested but may not 
otherwise see it.  Thank you for your interest.

                        Dr. John E. Finn
                        Advanced Life Support (Regenerative Systems)
                        NASA Ames Research Center
                        M/S 239-11
                        Moffett Field, CA  94035

P.S.: if you are sending e-mail and the message is not accepted here, 
please either try again later or send a letter.