[sci.bio] Creating life

cs225202@umbc5.umbc.edu (Sang J. Moon) (10/30/89)

Just a thought... I know that the basic building blocks of DNA can be now
created from inorganic molecules, but can biologists use these building blocks
to create viable DNA which will cbecome an actual organism?
            "Those who yell the loudest, say the least."

terry@utastro.UUCP (Terry Hancock) (10/31/89)

In article <2461@umbc3.UMBC.EDU> cs225202@umbc5.umbc.edu.UUCP (Sang J. Moon) writes:
>Just a thought... I know that the basic building blocks of DNA can be now
>created from inorganic molecules, but can biologists use these building blocks
>to create viable DNA which will cbecome an actual organism?
	No, as I understand it, there are some problems:

	1. We don't yet have the ability to construct arbitrary 
	sequences of DNA.  We are limited to a) simple code 
	sequences (such as all one type, or sets of three, or
	something) or b) copying codes that are found 
		I would be VERY interested in info refuting
	this statement, if such exists.

	2. Even if we COULD do 1., we don't know enough about
	molecular biology to make a plan for a viable organism
	(unless we copy extensively from an existing one).  There
	is much study left to be done.

	Caveat -- I am NOT a biologist, I am an astronomer, I get these
silly ideas from my fiancee, who doesn't get the net.  I'll have to
ask her about any technical questions.

Terry Hancock

>            "Those who yell the loudest, say the least."

mkkuhner@codon2.berkeley.edu (Mary K. Kuhner;335 Mulford) (10/31/89)

In article <2461@umbc3.UMBC.EDU> cs225202@umbc5.umbc.edu.UUCP (Sang J. Moon) writes:
>Just a thought... I know that the basic building blocks of DNA can be now
>created from inorganic molecules, but can biologists use these building blocks
>to create viable DNA which will cbecome an actual organism?

It depends on whether you consider a virus alive.  A small virus
could probably be sythesized quite readily.  Cells, however, have
much more to them than DNA.  

My favorite experiment showing the complexity of non-DNA information
in the cell was done with a protozoan which is covered with cilia,
all lined up the same way.  Very precise microsurgery was used to
cut a strip off of the cell wall and put it back in reverse.
Somehow the cell survives this, and ends up with a row of backwards
cilia.  All descendents of that cell have a similar row, because
the old cell's cilia are used as templates for the new arrangement.

We are a long way from being able to put together a cell from scratch.

Mary Kuhner

wrp@biochsn.acc.Virginia.EDU (William R. Pearson) (10/31/89)

In article <4516@utastro.UUCP> terry@astro.UUCP (Terry Hancock) writes:
]In article <2461@umbc3.UMBC.EDU> cs225202@umbc5.umbc.edu.UUCP (Sang J. Moon) writes:
]>Just a thought... I know that the basic building blocks of DNA can be now
]>created from inorganic molecules, but can biologists use these building blocks
]>to create viable DNA which will cbecome an actual organism?
]	No, as I understand it, there are some problems:
]	1. We don't yet have the ability to construct arbitrary 
]	sequences of DNA.  We are limited to a) simple code 
]	sequences (such as all one type, or sets of three, or
]	something) or b) copying codes that are found 
]	naturally.
]		I would be VERY interested in info refuting
]	this statement, if such exists.
]	2. Even if we COULD do 1., we don't know enough about
]	molecular biology to make a plan for a viable organism
]	(unless we copy extensively from an existing one).  There
]	is much study left to be done.

	It is technically possible to make any DNA sequence you like.
However, most machines that do this are limited to 100 unit pieces,
and living organisms have considerably more DNA.  (The 100 unit pieces
can be linked however.)  To give you an idea of the scale involved,
small viruses have 5000 - 50,000 units (nucleotides) of DNA, large viruses
200,000 - 500,000 nucleotides, E. Coli (our favorite bacteria) 4,000,000,
fruit flies: 80,000,000 (I recall), mammals: 3,000,000,000.  Thus,
it would take a lot of pieces to do it.

	And it is certainly true that we do not know enough about the
genes required to maintain an independent functioning organism to design
the DNA molecule from scratch.  The first complete sequence of an organism,
E. Coli, may be known in the next 2 years.  Once it is known, it would
be technically possibly to synthesize an E. Coli DNA molecule from organic
chemicals, but only by copying the E. Coli sequence.  Even given the
molecule, we do not know how to build an environment for it that would
allow it to be replicated and start making the things E. Coli needs to grow.

turpin@cs.utexas.edu (Russell Turpin) (10/31/89)

In article <1989Oct31.034851.24494@agate.berkeley.edu>, mkkuhner@codon2.berkeley.edu (Mary K. Kuhner;335 Mulford) writes:
> My favorite experiment showing the complexity of non-DNA information
> in the cell was done with a protozoan which is covered with cilia,
> all lined up the same way.  Very precise microsurgery was used to
> cut a strip off of the cell wall and put it back in reverse.
> Somehow the cell survives this, and ends up with a row of backwards
> cilia.  All descendents of that cell have a similar row, because
> the old cell's cilia are used as templates for the new arrangement.

This would seem to imply that, at least for unicellular life,
Lamarck was not entirely wrong.  If protozoa can inherit acquired
traits, then won't acquired traits partially direct their
evolutionary course, at least in the generative information which
is not encoded in their DNA?  Has their been any research done to
explore this possibility which the microsurgery you describe so
well highlights? 


pell@boulder.Colorado.EDU (Anthony Pelletier) (11/01/89)

>In article <1989Oct31.034851.24494@agate.berkeley.edu>, mkkuhner@codon2.berkeley.edu (Mary K. Kuhner;335 Mulford) writes:
>> My favorite experiment showing the complexity of non-DNA information
>> in the cell was done with a protozoan which is covered with cilia,
>> all lined up the same way.  Very precise microsurgery was used to
>> cut a strip off of the cell wall and put it back in reverse.
>> Somehow the cell survives this, and ends up with a row of backwards
>> cilia.  All descendents of that cell have a similar row, because
>> the old cell's cilia are used as templates for the new arrangement.

In article <7111@cs.utexas.edu> turpin@cs.utexas.edu (Russell Turpin) writes:
>This would seem to imply that, at least for unicellular life,
>Lamarck was not entirely wrong.  

Ah...This is an interesting one.  The Membrane people have often
used it as a case of information in a membrane.

But, the key to this positional information may lie
in the fact that each of those little cilia are secured to ("grow" out of)
a Basal Body (the same as a centriole in animal-cell mitotic spindles).
These replicate in an interesting fashion: During vegatative growth,
a new BB is built alongside the old one and the position (relative placment
and angle) of the new one to the old one is very precise.
In some ways, you could say the old BB is a template for the new one.
So, you would expect the reverse position of the cilia to be maintained
as a function of the placement of the BB.
However, it is important to point out that this alterred positional
information is NOT passed on through sexual reproduction.

People have argued for decades over whether BBs represent an endosymbiont.
To that end, there has been for decades a hunt for a genome associated
with BBs (as is the case for mitochondria and chloroplasts).
The history of this has some amusing highs and lows.

David Luck's group (Zenta Ramanis, Susan Dutcher etc.) at Rockefeller showed
that in Chlamydomonas there is a linkage group (called Fragment 2,
linkage-group 19, or ULG, for Uni Linkage Group--a few mutations on the
chromosome lead to cells with one flagellum, hence "uni").
All mutations that mapped to that group affected the basal-bodies and/or
the flagella.  This linkage group is seriously weird--it maps as
a circle but apparently isn't, recombination is temperature sensitive
(raise the temp and recomb. increases), it is apparently diploid
in the cell, but the genetics behave as a haploid, and, unlike other
organelle DNA, it is inherited in a Mendelian fashion.

The Oct. 6th issue of Cell has an article from Luck's group (Hall, Ramanis
and Luck), and a minireview on the topic (also the cover picture).
It seems they have good evidence that the genome IS associated
with the BB, and it is linear.  They did some RFLP mapping, cloned some
of it, and used the clone as a probe on Orthoganal-pulse gels (to
show it is a linear molecule of about 6 mb) and in sito hybridization (to
show localization to the BB).

So, Is it Lamarkian?  Well, yes, sort of.  The positional information
in the above example has nothing to do with altering the DNA
of the BB, so it is not a mutation. (If Hall's result holds up, I think it
is safe to refer to the DNA of Basal bodies.)
But, this is only propogated vegetatively.  All you get is a clonal
population derived from the original.  One might imagine other
cases where an acquired change is propogated during Fission-growth.
But I can't think of one (other than mutations to DNA, of course) that
is propogated sexually.  Since none the of species that lead to the
Darwinian and Lamarkian models reproduce by fission, one can hardly
expect Darwin's rules to account exactly fro that type of reproduction.

Interesting stuff.


brianm@cat21.CS.WISC.EDU (Brian Miller) (11/03/89)

In article <1989Oct31.034851.24494@agate.berkeley.edu> mkkuhner@codon2.berkeley.edu.UUCP (Mary K. Kuhner) writes:

>A small virus could probably be sythesized quite readily.

	Man currently lacks the knowledge to create viri from scratch.
	Modifying existing ones he can do clumsily however.

>My favorite experiment showing the complexity of non-DNA information
>in the cell was done with a protozoan which is covered with cilia,
>all lined up the same way.  Very precise microsurgery was used to
>cut a strip off of the cell wall and put it back in reverse.
>Somehow the cell survives this, and ends up with a row of backwards
>cilia.  All descendents of that cell have a similar row, because
>the old cell's cilia are used as templates for the new arrangement.


>Mary Kuhner

jda@brunix (Jeff Achter) (11/03/89)

Since DNA determines protein, and protein determines enzyme function,
and enzyme function is basically life, theoretically we should be able
to craft an organism from scratch.  Unfortunately, there are enough
holes in our knowledge that this is impractical.  Some of the problems

	Gene expression and transcription.  A large part of a DNA
strand is junk--nucleotides which are never expressed as amino acid
sequences.  Additionally, we don't know how the transcription enzymes
know when to start and stop transcribing a stretch of DNA.  There are
three possible reading frames on each of the two complementary
strands; which will be expressed?  Until we know this, we can't
reliably craft a genome.

	Protein structure.  This is a biggy.  The function of a
protein is determined by its three dimensional structure.  While
progress is being made in biophysics, the models aren't good enough to
predict the tertiary and quaternary structure of a protein, given its
primary structure (the sequence of amino acids).  Thus, it is very
difficult to craft proteins with desired functions.

	Putting everything together.  Remember, there are *lots* of
different proteins in even the simplest cell.  If we build an organism
from the bottom up, we have to account for all the different functions
a cell needs for survival--transcription, membrane building,
energetics catalysis, etc.  It would be far easier to build a virus,
but... are viruses alive? :-)

In short, we're working on it, but not yet.

  Jeff Achter        |  PO Box 1320           | 
  jda@cs.brown.edu   |  Brown University      |     (this space reserved)
  uunet!brunix!jda   |  Providence, RI  02912 | 
  jda@browncs.bitnet |  (401)863-6961         |              

BCHS1B@jane.uh.edu (11/03/89)

In article <4516@utastro.UUCP>, terry@utastro.UUCP (Terry Hancock) writes:
> In article <2461@umbc3.UMBC.EDU> cs225202@umbc5.umbc.edu.UUCP (Sang J. Moon) writes:
>>Just a thought... I know that the basic building blocks of DNA can be now
>>created from inorganic molecules, but can biologists use these building blocks
>>to create viable DNA which will cbecome an actual organism?
> 	No, as I understand it, there are some problems:
> 	1. We don't yet have the ability to construct arbitrary 
> 	sequences of DNA.  We are limited to a) simple code 
> 	sequences (such as all one type, or sets of three, or
> 	something) or b) copying codes that are found 
> 	naturally.
> 		I would be VERY interested in info refuting
> 	this statement, if such exists.
> 	2. Even if we COULD do 1., we don't know enough about
> 	molecular biology to make a plan for a viable organism
> 	(unless we copy extensively from an existing one).  There
> 	is much study left to be done.
> 	Caveat -- I am NOT a biologist, I am an astronomer, I get these
> silly ideas from my fiancee, who doesn't get the net.  I'll have to
> ask her about any technical questions.
> **********************************
> Terry Hancock
> terry@astro.as.utexas.edu
> **********************************
Sorry, but that is not correct. We can synthesize DNA containing any sequence
that we want it to carry. It is now routine to synthesize entire genes. It
certainly would be reasonable, although some effort, to synthesize the genome
of a small virus which could be used to transform a cell and then would
replicate and propagate itself. The complete DNA sequence has not yet
been determined for any living cell, probably the bacterium E. coli will be
first in the next few years. It would be theoretically possible to synthesize
its genome, but practically it would be unreasonable. However it would not
be an easy step to go from this to a living cell becuase you need components
of the cell to read and transcibe and replicate the information n the DNA
first. Sort of like have a cassette tape without a tape recorder, the 
information is there but no way to read or hear it.

MIke Benedik
Biochemical Sciences
University of Houston

eesnyder@boulder.Colorado.EDU (Eric E. Snyder) (11/04/89)

In article <19690@brunix.UUCP> jda@cslab9a.UUCP (Jeff Achter) writes:
>Additionally, we don't know how the transcription enzymes
>know when to start and stop transcribing a stretch of DNA.  There are
>three possible reading frames on each of the two complementary
>strands; which will be expressed?  Until we know this, we can't
>reliably craft a genome.

Come now, we deserved a little more credit than that.  I suggest the 
following reference:

Pribnow, D. (1975)  Nucleotide sequence of an RNA polymerase binding site
at an early T7 promoter.  PNAS 72(3): 784-788.

I hope the name rings a bell.

Eric E. Snyder                            
Department of Biochemistry              Proctoscopy recapitulates   
University of Colorado, Boulder         hagiography.            
Boulder, Colorado 80309                  

jda@brunix (Jeff Achter) (11/04/89)

Yes, I know.  We *are* making progress.  The promoter sites are
certainly a step in the right direction.  However, to the best of my
(admittedly limited) knowledge, given an arbitrary sequence of DNA, we
cannot reliably predict which parts will be transcribed.
Additionally, there is the related problem of transcription
regulation--what governs when new proteins are manufactured, and in
what quantities, etc.

  Jeff Achter        |  PO Box 1320           | 
  jda@cs.brown.edu   |  Brown University      |     (this space reserved)
  uunet!brunix!jda   |  Providence, RI  02912 | 
  jda@browncs.bitnet |  (401)863-6961         |              

toms@ncifcrf.gov (Tom Schneider) (11/04/89)

The question has been raised as to whether we can build life from scratch with
our current knowledge and technology.  The answer is that we certainly have the
technology, but we don't have the knowledge of how to use it.  It's as if we
had matches and dry paper, but didn't know what to do to get the fire going.
But once somebody gets it going, how can we know that they really succeeded and
didn't cheat?  Well, all living organisms on this planet use chiral molecules,
so amino acids come in D and L forms which are mirror images of each other
(stereoisomers) but living things use the L form except in rare cases.
Likewise B form DNA, the kind used predominantly in cells, is a right handed
helix.  (Left handed DNA has a different structure.)  So a proof that we really
can build living things from scratch is to construct a cell that is an entire
mirror image of cells that now exist!

Let's put some teeth into that!  I promise to pay $1000 to anyone who can
construct a completely reversed (mirror image) cell!

  Tom Schneider
  National Cancer Institute
  Laboratory of Mathematical Biology
  Frederick, Maryland  21701-1013

turpin@cs.utexas.edu (Russell Turpin) (11/04/89)

In article <1380@fcs280s.ncifcrf.gov>, toms@ncifcrf.gov (Tom Schneider) writes:
> Let's put some teeth into that!  I promise to pay $1000 to anyone who can
> construct a completely reversed (mirror image) cell!

Given the magnitude of the task, the reward you offer is more a
weak pair of dentures.


toms@ncifcrf.gov (Tom Schneider) (11/04/89)

In article <7132@cs.utexas.edu> turpin@cs.utexas.edu (Russell Turpin) writes:
>In article <1380@fcs280s.ncifcrf.gov>, toms@ncifcrf.gov (Tom Schneider) writes:
>> Let's put some teeth into that!  I promise to pay $1000 to anyone who can
>> construct a completely reversed (mirror image) cell!
>Given the magnitude of the task, the reward you offer is more a
>weak pair of dentures.

(tee hee) well, I guess that puts you out of the running!  But seriously,
how long do you think this is going to take before I have to fork it over?


wen-king@cit-vax.Caltech.Edu (King Su) (11/04/89)

I have a thought.  Rather than to try and synthesize existing life
forms, wouldn't it be simpler to synthesize life forms that might have
existed billions of years ago, when the ocean is just a pool of simple
chemicals?  Even the most simple, present-day virus is a challenge to
synthesize. Yet a viron is not really alive until it enters a host that
provides the viron additional components to allow it to reproduce.  If
life really came from a pool of chemicals, then there must be an early
form of life that is very simple in structure, and is capable of
reproducing itself without a lot of supporting components.  Maybe we can
make such a life form without too much trouble.
| Wen-King Su  wen-king@vlsi.caltech.edu  Caltech Corp of Cosmic Engineers |

muttiah@cs.purdue.EDU (Ranjan Samuel Muttiah) (11/04/89)

Why bother ?  There is enough of it around already.

stevelee@csd4.csd.uwm.edu (Just Another Steve (but not dave)) (11/04/89)

In article <8523@medusa.cs.purdue.edu> muttiah@cs.purdue.edu (Ranjan Samuel Muttiah) writes:
>Why bother ?  There is enough of it around already.

	Because it's a challenge.  It's something that's never been done.
	And it's something that will be done (so sayeth I) within the next
	two decades.


	Of course I could be wrong.  It wouldn't be the first time in my 

| Steven Lee Pearson         	| HISTORY SHOWS AGAIN AND AGAIN HOW NATURE   |
| stevelee@csd4.csd.uwm.edu	| POINT OUT THE FOLLY OF MEN.		     |
| (414) 962-4828	     	| (from "Godzilla" by the BOC)		     |

muttiah@cs.purdue.EDU (Ranjan Samuel Muttiah) (11/05/89)

In article <762@uwm.edu> stevelee@csd4.csd.uwm.edu (Just Another Steve (but not dave)) writes:
>In article <8523@medusa.cs.purdue.edu> muttiah@cs.purdue.edu (Ranjan Samuel Muttiah) writes:
>>Why bother ?  There is enough of it around already.
>	Because it's a challenge.  It's something that's never been done.
>	And it's something that will be done (so sayeth I) within the next
>	two decades.

Wouldn't it be more a challenge to _document_ all the existing life forms ?
Let's face it. We only know of 40-50 % of the species that exist let alone
document them in detail.  What happens to the rest. Do we care ?  Are
_we_ the environment now ?

stevelee@csd4.csd.uwm.edu (Just Another Steve (but not dave)) (11/05/89)

In article <8525@medusa.cs.purdue.edu> muttiah@cs.purdue.edu (Ranjan Samuel Muttiah) writes:

>Wouldn't it be more a challenge to _document_ all the existing life forms ?
>Let's face it. We only know of 40-50 % of the species that exist let alone
>document them in detail.  What happens to the rest. Do we care ?  Are
>_we_ the environment now ?

	Yes and no.  It would be a grand challenge-but about as realistic as
	the search for the perpetual motion machine.  

	The problem is not so much the concept of the project-but instead it's
	the enormity of it.  I find it difficult to believe that we really 
	know even 25% of all species of MAMMALS, let alone birds, reptiles,
	insects, fish, ad infinitum.  

	The beauty of "creating life" is that the techniques needed are 
	coming from scientists not necessarily looking to do it.  For
	example, a molecular biologist studying how and why oncogenes get
	turned on in cancer cells, is also adding to the pool of knowledge 
	that will some day be used and incorporated into the first forms of
	"protolife" if you will.  

	Besides, as my .sig states "History shows again and again how 
	Nature points out the folly of men."  Every time we would think
	we've got everything catalogued and filed away, we'd find something
	new, and realize how few species we really do know about.  (Heck,
	in the bacterial world, new species are arising constantly.  But I
	assume we aren't realy discussing the world of microbes.)


| Steven Lee Pearson         	| HISTORY SHOWS AGAIN AND AGAIN HOW NATURE   |
| stevelee@csd4.csd.uwm.edu	| POINT OUT THE FOLLY OF MEN.		     |
| (414) 962-4828	     	| (from "Godzilla" by the BOC)		     |

mkkuhner@codon1.berkeley.edu (Mary K. Kuhner;335 Mulford) (11/05/89)

I think this debate might prosper if we noticed that
"creating life" means two different things in various

1.  Making an exact copy of an extant organism out of non-living
parts, and without an organism intervening;

2.  Making a novel organism.

I will argue that (1) is quite possible, if viruses are alive,
whereas (2) (aside from simple variations on extant organisms)
is a *long* way away.

Would reversing the chirality of the entire organism change
its chemical properties?  I seem to recall reading that it
would.  Certainly you would have to reverse every chiral molecule
involved in the synthesis.  We may accomplish (2) eventually,
but chirality reversal sounds an order of magnitude harder to me.

Mary Kuhner

baez@x.ucr.edu (John Baez) (11/07/89)

In article <1989Nov5.014949.25863@agate.berkeley.edu> mkkuhner@codon1.berkeley.edu.UUCP (Mary K. Kuhner) writes:
>Would reversing the chirality of the entire organism change
>its chemical properties?  I seem to recall reading that it
>would.  Certainly you would have to reverse every chiral molecule
>Mary Kuhner

Stereoisomers (= chirally reversed molecules) have essentially
identical chemical properties except in reaction with other
molecules with handedness.  (I say `essentially' because the
weak (nuclear) force violates parity, but this effect is minute.)
Thus if one created all ones ingredients and working tools
`from scratch', e.g. from molecules which are left-right 
symmetric, one could create a chiral-reversed virus the same
way as a usual one.  If one uses a lot of chiral molecules from
existing organisms in doing DNA research it'd be a lot of trouble
to synthesize reversed versions of everything... can anyone 
more knowledgeable on biochem sketch how much work this'd be?

While on this subject... is there any up-to-date word out on
why the human heart is not left-right symmetric and whether
this assymetry is genetically encoded, and how?? This has 
always fascinated me!  

ningluo@marvin.cs.Buffalo.EDU (Ning Luo) (11/08/89)

In article <12500@cit-vax.Caltech.Edu> wen-king@cit-vax.UUCP (Wen-King Su) writes:
>I have a thought.  Rather than to try and synthesize existing life
>forms, wouldn't it be simpler to synthesize life forms that might have
>existed billions of years ago, when the ocean is just a pool of simple
>chemicals?  Even the most simple, present-day virus is a challenge to
>synthesize. Yet a viron is not really alive until it enters a host that
>provides the viron additional components to allow it to reproduce.  If
>life really came from a pool of chemicals, then there must be an early
>form of life that is very simple in structure, and is capable of
>reproducing itself without a lot of supporting components.  Maybe we can
>make such a life form without too much trouble.
>| Wen-King Su  wen-king@vlsi.caltech.edu  Caltech Corp of Cosmic Engineers |

I believe this HAS BEEN ACCOMPLISHED (so-called "evolution in vitro"
experiments by Spiegleman (sp?) and his colleagues.  You can find
the references from M. Eigen's articles a few years back.

However, this is NOT a life form in full sense, since it is required to
supply the nucleotides, high energy molecule source AND the enzyme
(RNA polymerase), just like a viron or a virus dependent on its
host, a living organism, to provides these supplies.

So, before we talk about "creating life", we have to have a clear
consensus about "what is life"?  Or, for the sake of simplicity,
"what is the minimal life"?

The discussion about "what is life" as a scientific question
can very easily metamorphose into a purely metaphysical debate.
To be specific, let's adopt Eigen's view:
Life begins when a set of macromolecules establish an enclosure
of replicating themselves in the presence of only "small" molecules.
"Small" here could mean nucleotides, ATP's, amino acides, etc..

People studying the origin of life are still having a hard time
to find a primordial condition in which the concentrations of the
precursor small molecules could be maintained high enough so that
the polymerizations could take place spontaneously.
But, let's put this issue aside for the moment, and let's assume
that such a condition "somehow" occurred on the primordial earth.
We may never know what this condition exactly is, and may never be able
to re-generate life in the same fashion.   But, we may find other
conditions in which some set of macromolecules could reproduce
themselves from small molecules.  If we achieve this, we can
say: We have created a life form.

Now is the quiz time:
Could the virus or the worms in the computer world
be considered as a life form in a general sense?
After all, this is an "autopoietic" form in a
world of bits and bites.

Luo, Ning
Dept. of Physics  
SUNY Buffalo     
Amherst, NY 14260  |  ningluo@marvin.cs.buffalo.edu      (APARNET)