[sci.bio] Common ancestor vs. Outbreeding

werner@aecom.YU.EDU (Craig Werner) (10/14/87)

	Having seen some of the technical references, let me address what
the scientific point that is trying to be made.

	The speciation in question is 

		Homo sapiens sapiens
	from	Homo sapiens archaic (extinct, poss. several species)

	The postulate is that if sapiens developed as a separate subspecies
and then interbred with existing archaic sapiens, there would be different
lines of maternal descent.  If instead, modern sapiens supplanted archaic 
sapiens, then one would be able to account for all Restriction Fragment
Length Polymorphisms by means of a single tree.  As it happens, the
latter can be done, so that Homo sapiens sapiens (which is we) spread
throughout the world by migration and supplantation rather than outbreeding
with indigenous populations.
	        Craig Werner   (future MD/PhD, 3 years down, 4 to go)
	     werner@aecom.YU.EDU -- Albert Einstein College of Medicine
              (1935-14E Eastchester Rd., Bronx NY 10461, 212-931-2517)
                     "Well that's my story, not that it matters..."