[sci.bio] Wanted software for molecular geometry/chemistry

rickt@wybbs.mi.org (Rick Tucker ) (06/05/91)

My brother who is a college student is looking for a software
package that would run on a MS-DOS PC.
He is into biochemistry and whatever else :-)   and would like
to find a package that will do molecular geometry.

As he stated to me...

A package that would create graphic images displaying molecular
structures and chemical bond formations.
and any other software that pertains to deciphering or
predicting chemical reactions.

As a student he would prefer public domain, however any info on
software that does the above would be appreciated.

At this point I have a 286 pc for him, and depending upon
what the software needs I will get a proper monitor.

Please mail direct to me.  I will summarize to the net.
Thanks for any help you can give to me.

Rick Tucker                        |     ^^  T W I N   P E A K S  ^^ 
rickt%indcon@wybbs.mi.org          | "The owls are not what they seem."
uunet!4gen!indcon!rickt            |          quote from the giant.