[sci.bio] LaTeX for Biologists

toms@fcs260c2.ncifcrf.gov (Tom Schneider) (11/06/90)

Nucleic Acids Research has accepted and has just published a paper of mine
using the LaTeX typesetting format.  People who would like to use these can
obtain them by anonymous ftp from ncifcrf.gov in pub/delila.  There are two
files for NAR:  "nar.sty" and "nar.bst". I have also created styles for Journal
of Molecular Biology and Journal of Theoretical Biology, "jmb.sty" and
"jmb.bst".  The difference between the two journals is that JTB has the full
title.  One can turn on titles by a mechanism that is described in the jmb.bst
file.  (Simply \nocite{TitlesOn}!)  The files should be in the clarkson archive
sometime after December 1.  (For information about using the Clarkson archive
server send a mail message containing the command "help" to

  Tom Schneider
  National Cancer Institute
  Laboratory of Mathematical Biology
  Frederick, Maryland  21702-1201