[sci.bio] Eve

turpin@cs.utexas.edu (Russell Turpin) (01/25/91)

Cross-posted to sci.bio.

In article <1991Jan24.220906.16423@usenet.ins.cwru.edu> rpetsche@mrg.CWRU.EDU (rolfe g petschek) writes:
> Hmmm.  As a statistical physicist I can not help but notice that the
> period of time required required for a single lineage to overtake all
> other lineages is a random variable with calculable distribution,
> dependent on the model. ...

Absolutely.  You were not the first to notice this.  I was not
the first to notice this.  Ah, well, sometimes we get beat to
the punch.

> ... Well, I tried lots of models (admittedly crudely) and I did
> not get sense from this statement except when (a) teh size of the
> breeding population is *very* small (need N^2 generations assuming
> neither advantage or growth of size N) or (b) their is significant
> advantage passed *only* through the female line ...

For biological reasons, forget (b).  But for the most obvious
model reflecting biological constraints, the number of expected
generations is (surprise!) *linear* in N. 

This discussion came up some months ago in another newsgroup.  Not
being a statistical physicists, I wrote a model in C rather than
attempting an analytic solution.  When I posted the results, someone
else informed me that the results were well-known, and are known as
the Wright-Fisher model.  (He did not send me a reference.)  Shown
below are the number of females in a fixed-size population, the range
in the number of generations my simulation required for one female
line to push out all others, and the expected number that is
analytically calculated. 

			#generations (N)	Wright-Fisher
	   F		least	most	          average
	----		-----	----		  -------
	   8		    5	  37		       16
  	 128		  172	 625		      256
	1024		 2392	4163		     2048

(For F=1024, I only ran my model twice, because it took so
long on my MacPlus.  The other values of F were run several

The assumptions in the model are (1) a fixed-size female
population, and (2) every woman has a fixed probability of not
having daughters.  (The number of men and number of sons produced
just plain doesn't matter.)  In my simulation, I assumed that each
"excess" daughter had equal chance of coming from any of the
women who did have daughters in the previous generation.  A
slightly different assumption is made in the Wright-Fisher model. 

> ... Did you have some model in mind which would answer these
> confusions?  10,000 generations is not long (its square root is
> 100, and recently, at least, there have been more than 100
> persons in the breeding population.)

2000 generations of early man is only 30,000 years, and that is
how long the Wright-Fischer model predicts it took for a single
female line to emerge in a population of 1024 women.  Playing
around with my simulation, I was left with the intuition (which
is what a good model provides) that allowing the population to
increase and decrease, so that it was only sporadically as low as
1024 women, would actually *increase* the chance of a single
female line emerging, especially if one takes into account that
small groups of related people, are likely to survive or die


joe@evolution.u.washington.edu (Joe Felsenstein) (01/25/91)

The Wright-Fisher model (named after Sewall Wright and Ronald Fisher,
the two most important population geneticists ever), is a model in which
each gene in the offspring generation is copied from a random gene among
the 2N available in the parent generation, and this occurs randomly and
with replacement.  This is motivated by the idea that each parent
produces a very large and equal number of gametes, and the N surviving
offspring are the result of random collisions of these gametes, followed by
density-dependence trimming them randomly down to N survivors.

The haploid version, in which N things are randomly drawn from N, is the
one relevant to the Eve question, with N the number of females.  The
mathematics of the two is identical with 2N replaced by N.

You will find it discussed in almost any population genetics text, but a
reasonable starting point would be Dan Hartl and Andrew Clark's
"Principles of Population Genetics," second edition, published by
Sinauer Associates, 1988.  The W-F model dates from 1930-1931.

If you want something more mathematical that could be made to bear on
the Eve issue (or non-issue) try my 1971 paper, "The rate of loss of
multiple alleles in finite haploid populations" in Theoretical Population
Biology, volume 2, pages 391-403.

To (very) good approximation, if we have n females who we are
following in a W-F model where there are a total of N females in each
generation, the time in generations back until they have n-1 female parents is
approximately geometrically distributed with mean  N/(n(n-1)).
Applying this repeatedly starting with N=n and with n getting smaller and
smaller until it reaches 1 you get the required distribution, and can easily
calculate its mean and variance.  This is only an approximation but is a very
close one for large N and darn good even for moderate N.

(Asides: I have not posted this to soc.men or soc.women because it seemed more
appropriate here.  Also: Fisher was English, not German, and thus had no "c" in
his last name.)

Joe Felsenstein, Dept. of Genetics, Univ. of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195
 Internet:         joe@genetics.washington.edu     (IP No.
 Bitnet/EARN:      felsenst@uwavm
 UUCP:             ... uw-beaver!evolution.genetics!joe