[sci.bio] Quiz time

mikkelson@breakr.enet.dec.com (snopes) (04/24/91)

 On a recent midterm for an introductory-level biology class, there were a
 few questions that I felt had better answers than the ones the instructor
 considered "correct".  No amount of persuading or reasoning would make him
 change his grading, but for my own satisfaction I'd like to see how others
 would answer these simple multiple-choice questions:

 A "high-energy bond"

  a) absorbs a large amount of free energy when the phosphate group is
     attached during hydrolysis.
  b) is formed when ATP is hydrolyzed to ADP and one phosphate group
  c) is usually found in each glucose molecule; that is why glucose is
     chosen as the starting point for glycolysis.
  d) none of the above

When NAD combines with hydrogen, the NAD is

  a) reduced  b) oxidized  c) phosphorylated  d) denatured  e) none of these

The oxygen released in photosynthesis comes from

  a) carbon dioxide  b) glucose  c) ribulose biphosphate 
  d) water  e) atmospheric oxygen

Which of the following has the most energy?

  a) AMP  b) ADP  c) ATP  d) glucose  e) NADPH

| NOTE: No part of this signature may be reproduced, stored in, or introduced
| into a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means
| (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without prior
| written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in 
| critical articles and reviews.           <mikkelson@breakr.enet.dec.com> 
| * David Mikkelson  Digital Equipment Corporation, Culver City, CA  USA *

lamoran@gpu.utcs.utoronto.ca (L.A. Moran) (04/24/91)

David Mikkelson posted some questions from a recent introductory biology
quiz at some school in California. I could not resist answering although
I will probably regret it. I teach an introductory biochemistry course but
my area of expertise is closer to molecular biology.

1. A "high-energy bond"
      a) absorbs a large amount of free energy when the phosphate group is
         attached during hydrolysis.
      b) is formed when ATP is hydrolyzed to ADP and one phosphate group
      c) is usually found in each glucose molecule; that is why glucose is
         chosen as the starting point for glycolysis.
      d) none of the above

The term "high-energy bond" is very imprecise but it is useful when 
describing biochemical reactions. A high energy bond is one whose hydrolysis
proceeds with a large negative change in free energy. The phosphoanhydride
bonds in ATP are typical examples of "high-energy bonds" (note that this is
not the same as bond energy). Answer (a) is wrong because it refers to
absorption of energy during hydrolysis and this is ambiguous. Answer (b) is
incorrect because ATP has one more high energy bond than ADP and not the other
way around. Answer (c) is incorrect because glucose does not contain bonds
that are readily hydrolysed. Thus answer (d) is correct. I suspect that this
question was poorly written and that answer (a) was the one that the
examiner wanted to be correct. 

2. When NAD combines with hydrogen, the NAD is
        a) reduced  
        b) oxidized  
        c) phosphorylated  
        d) denatured  
        e) none of these
Strictly speaking the NAD should be followed by a plus (+) sign to show that
it is the oxidized form. When it combines with a hydride ion (H-) it is
reduced. Answer (a) is probably the answer that was expected but if a 
a student of mine demonstrated that she knew the difference between "hydrogen"
and hydride ion then I would give her a mark for (e). The question is poorly
designed. I doubt very much that this little bit of trivia is important
in an introductory biology course.

3. The oxygen released in photosynthesis comes from
        a) carbon dioxide  
        b) glucose  
        c) ribulose biphosphate 
        d) water  
        e) atmospheric oxygen

The released oxygen is derived from the photolysis of water. Thus answer (d)
is correct. I can't see any serious problem with this question.

4. Which of the following has the most energy?
        a) AMP  
        b) ADP 
        c) ATP
        d) glucose
        e) NADPH

This is an impossible question for an introductory biology course. The 
molecule with the most "energy" is the one with the most covalent bonds. 
It is easy to understand this if you think about the amount of energy which
would be needed to make the molecule. The answer is (e) but I'm sure that
the examiner expected (c) because he/she really meant to ask which molecule
contained the most USABLE energy. The question should be dropped from the

David, can you tell who teaches this course (ie. who made up the exam) and
where it was taught? I would also like to know what textbook was used.

-Larry Moran
Dept. of Biochemistry

msw1633@summa.tamu.edu (WHITSITT, MARK STEVEN) (04/25/91)

In article <1991Apr24.134105.25827@pa.dec.com>, mikkelson@breakr.enet.dec.com (snopes) writes...
>..... for my own satisfaction I'd like to see how others
> would answer these simple multiple-choice questions:
> A "high-energy bond"
>  a) absorbs a large amount of free energy when the phosphate group is
>     attached during hydrolysis.
>  b) is formed when ATP is hydrolyzed to ADP and one phosphate group
>  c) is usually found in each glucose molecule; that is why glucose is
>     chosen as the starting point for glycolysis.
>  d) none of the above
a) is wrong because a phosphate group is not attached in *hydrolysis*
b) is wrong because hydrolysis breaks bonds; it doesn't *form* them.
c) is wrong because the high energy bonds must be added by phosphorylation 
during glycolysis (ie F-6-P) in order to gain energy in the form of ATP.  These 
high energy bonds are not present in glucose per se.

--This leaves d) as the correct answer.

>When NAD combines with hydrogen, the NAD is
>  a) reduced  b) oxidized  c) phosphorylated  d) denatured  e) none of these

Very simple.  NAD is the oxidized form which is subsequently *REDUCED* when 
combined with H to form NADH.

>The oxygen released in photosynthesis comes from
>  a) carbon dioxide  b) glucose  c) ribulose biphosphate 
>  d) water  e) atmospheric oxygen
the answer is d) water  (I'm pretty sure, but it's been a while :)   )

>Which of the following has the most energy?
>  a) AMP  b) ADP  c) ATP  d) glucose  e) NADPH
glucose has the "most energy" potential as more high energy bonds can be formed 
and subsequently utilized in ATP.  But looking at each individual molecule, The 
gamma Phosphate high energy bond probably makes it the one with the most usable 
physiological energy. NADPH, however, has more bonds overall (high energy or 
otherwise) and may be considered to be the most energetic.

This question is a very poorly worded question and would require that the person 
answering had heard the lecture in which the teacher explained his rationale and 
what exactly he meant by "the most energy"  Don't you agree?

Mark S. Whitsitt, N5RJF        Texas A&M University, Dept of Biochemistry
Bitnet:  MSW1633@TAMSIGMA  		  College Station, Tx. 77843-2128
Internet:  MSW1633@SIGMA.TAMU.EDU 			   (409) 845-0832
   "You can't throw darts when you're empty, man" -- another Schadelism

sarima@tdatirv.UUCP (Stanley Friesen) (04/26/91)

In article <1991Apr24.134105.25827@pa.dec.com> mikkelson@breakr.enet.dec.com (snopes) writes:
> A "high-energy bond"
>  a) absorbs a large amount of free energy when the phosphate group is
>     attached during hydrolysis.
>  b) is formed when ATP is hydrolyzed to ADP and one phosphate group
>  c) is usually found in each glucose molecule; that is why glucose is
>     chosen as the starting point for glycolysis.
>  d) none of the above

I choose (a).
(b) is simply backwards, and (c) is essentially irrelevant, though
I suppose a (weak) case might be made for (d) on the grounds that (a)
is worded rather poorly.

>When NAD combines with hydrogen, the NAD is
>  a) reduced  b) oxidized  c) phosphorylated  d) denatured  e) none of these

It is (a) reduced.
Taking on hydrogen is the opposite of taking on oxygen.
[I.e. it is energetically equivalent to *losing* oxygen].
And since, in chemistry, the word for loss of oxygen is 'reduction',
thus NADH is the reduced form of NAD.
The NAD form of the molecule is the oxidized form, and there is no phosphate
involved, so phosphorylation is not involved.

>The oxygen released in photosynthesis comes from
>  a) carbon dioxide  b) glucose  c) ribulose biphosphate 
>  d) water  e) atmospheric oxygen

The answer here is (d) water.  The hydrogen in the water ends up on the NAD
(or a related molecule), leaving raw oxygen.
The oxygen in the carbon dioxide is retained in the resulting glucose.
(Sugars do, after all, contain oxygen as well as carbon and hydrogen).

Ribulose biphosphate is not involved in photosynthesis (it sounds like
a early precurser to RNA).

>Which of the following has the most energy?
>  a) AMP  b) ADP  c) ATP  d) glucose  e) NADPH

The answer is (d) glucose, because it can be oxydized into carbon dioxide
to produce a great many ATP molecules (I think about 30 in aerobic respiration).
uunet!tdatirv!sarima				(Stanley Friesen)

frist@ccu.umanitoba.ca (04/26/91)

In article <212@tdatirv.UUCP> sarima@tdatirv.UUCP (Stanley Friesen) writes:
>In article <1991Apr24.134105.25827@pa.dec.com> mikkelson@breakr.enet.dec.com (snopes) writes:
...  other answers to Quiz deleted
>Ribulose biphosphate is not involved in photosynthesis (it sounds like

>a early precurser to RNA).
>uunet!tdatirv!sarima				(Stanley Friesen)

Ribulose bisphosphate is the acceptor for CO2 in the reductive pentose
cycle aka Calvin cycle for carbon fixation. This reaction is catalyzed
by ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (RUBISCO). Ribulose
bisphosphate is, therefore, about as intimately involved in photosynthesis
as you can get!

For those interested, the reaction in plants with C3 metabolism is

3 Ribulose-bis-P + 3 CO2 --> 6 glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate

In plants with C4 and CAM metabolism, phosphoenol pyruvate is the initial
CO2 acceptor, and carbon is transferred by way of intermediates to the
Calvin cycle.
Brian Fristensky                |  
Department of Plant Science     | "There's a big ... machine in the sky...
University of Manitoba          | some kind of electric snake... coming
Winnipeg, MB R3T 2N2  CANADA    | straight at us." 
frist@ccu.umanitoba.ca          | "Shoot it," said my attorney.
Office phone:   204-474-6085    |"Not yet," I said,"I want to study its habits"
FAX:            204-275-5128    |H.S. Thompson, FEAR & LOATHING IN LAS VEGAS

mroussel@alchemy.chem.utoronto.ca (Marc Roussel) (04/27/91)

I realize that other people have posted correct solutions, but I'm
hoping to start a meta-discussion, so please bear with me.  Also, I hope
Stanley doesn't view this as a personal attack.  It isn't meant to be.

In article <212@tdatirv.UUCP> sarima@tdatirv.UUCP (Stanley Friesen) writes:
>In article <1991Apr24.134105.25827@pa.dec.com> mikkelson@breakr.enet.dec.com
>(snopes) writes:
>> A "high-energy bond"
>>  a) absorbs a large amount of free energy when the phosphate group is
>>     attached during hydrolysis.
>>  b) is formed when ATP is hydrolyzed to ADP and one phosphate group
>>  c) is usually found in each glucose molecule; that is why glucose is
>>     chosen as the starting point for glycolysis.
>>  d) none of the above
>I choose (a).
>(b) is simply backwards, and (c) is essentially irrelevant, though
>I suppose a (weak) case might be made for (d) on the grounds that (a)
>is worded rather poorly.

It's a little worse than that.  Hydrolysis is the process in which a
chemical group is removed by the action of water.  (a) is therefore

>>  a) reduced  b) oxidized  c) phosphorylated  d) denatured  e) none of these
>It is (a) reduced.
>Taking on hydrogen is the opposite of taking on oxygen.
>[I.e. it is energetically equivalent to *losing* oxygen].
>And since, in chemistry, the word for loss of oxygen is 'reduction',
>thus NADH is the reduced form of NAD.

This definition of reduction is bizarre to say the least.  Oxidation and
reduction have to do with electrons, not with oxygen.  

>>Which of the following has the most energy?
>>  a) AMP  b) ADP  c) ATP  d) glucose  e) NADPH

As someone else pointed out, this question is bizarre.  What kind of
energy are we talking here?  Free energy?  (Probably...)
     As I promised, I now wish to start a meta-discussion around this exam.
I have always thought of service courses as a mistake of monumental
proportions: the content is usually watered down and the emphasis is all
wrong.  I think that this exam is an ideal example of what happens to
students whose exposure to a subject comes via a service course: they
get a muddled view of the field.  Note that I'm not just talking about Stanley
(who probably gave more or less the answers the original instructor
expected), but about the instructor who set this exam.  I think it's clear
that he never got a proper grounding in chemistry from the questions he
asked.  Should this worry us?  I think so.  There's enough material to
learn in an undergraduate degree without forcing students to waste their
time on the drivel which usually winds us passing for a curriculum in
service courses.
     I speak partly from experience as an instructor in one particular
service course.  The problems as I see them are many and varied.  The
root problem however is class sizes.  Administrators like service
courses because they see it as appropriate for these to have very high
student to teacher ratios.  This makes it difficult to set a high
standard (because one is then forced to prepare fairly standard exams to avoid
spending all of one's time marking) and even more difficult to get the kind
of feedback one needs to decide how appropriate one's approach to a subject
is for the particular group being taught.  As a result of the generally
low standards in service courses, the large publishing houses seem to
have decreed that all textbooks intended for them shall be thoroughly
pablumized.  The whole experience seems to be designed to turn students off, no
matter how hard an individual instructor tries to find ways to reach
     As if that weren't bad enough, try asking the target department
what they think should be in your course!  You'll get a list twenty miles
long.  Mind you they don't expect you to cover anything in any depth...
Just give the students "a general overview".  Needless to say, this is
no help at all.
     The question I must ask myself is "Should we bother?"  I can teach
my class about redox chemistry until I'm blue in the face, but if the
biology teacher expects them to "know" that oxidation has something to
do with oxygen, what am I to do?  (I don't mean this as an attack on
biologists.  The same is true of many chemists w.r.t physics, physicists
w.r.t. math, and so on.)
     I think about these questions a lot these days.  I have no solutions, but 
I'd love to hear from you if you have any ideas.  Should we do away
with service courses altogether or just think up new and more creative
ways to deliver them?  Should we replace them with frequent
extradepartmental guest lectures in mainstream courses?  I await your


				Marc R. Roussel

shahn@hstbme.mit.edu (Sam Hahn) (04/27/91)

The majority of these questions are very poorly worded and could be 
interpreted in a number of ways. Let me play the "devil's advocate" and 
answer some of these questions nonconventionally.

>  A "high-energy bond"
>   a) absorbs a large amount of free energy when the phosphate group is
>      attached during hydrolysis.
>   b) is formed when ATP is hydrolyzed to ADP and one phosphate group
>   c) is usually found in each glucose molecule; that is why glucose is
>      chosen as the starting point for glycolysis.
>   d) none of the above
(D) is the correct answer. (A) is wrong because phosphate groups are not 
attached during HYDROLYSIS. (B) is wrong for the same reason as (A). (C) 
is wrong because more than a single high energy bond is present in 
glucose...furthermore I'm not sure if glucose even contains "high energy" 
bonds. Oxidative phosphorylation derives energy from glucose not because 
it absorbs the energy of bond hydrolysis but because it uses redox 
reactions to alter chemical composition. I'll have to look in my old 
organic chemistry book to see what the bond energy is for C-C and C-O and 
O-H bonds.

> When NAD combines with hydrogen, the NAD is
>   a) reduced  b) oxidized  c) phosphorylated  d) denatured  e) none of 
(A) is the answer. The reaction is really NAD+ plus H- yields NADH if I 
recall correctly. What you are really doing is adding one proton and two 
electrons. The net effect is the addition of one electron or the REDUCTION 
yields NADH the answer would be (E) since no reduction or oxidation has 
taken place. Clearly no phosphorylation or denaturation has occurred.

> The oxygen released in photosynthesis comes from
>   a) carbon dioxide  b) glucose  c) ribulose biphosphate 
>   d) water  e) atmospheric oxygen
Oh boy, now you are really stretching my recall: Ok, I recall that in 
oxidative respiration, the H20 that is generated comes from atmospheric 
oxygen. Therefore, working in reverse, the oxygen released from 
photosynthesis must come from water or (D).

> Which of the following has the most energy?
>   a) AMP  b) ADP  c) ATP  d) glucose  e) NADPH
BAD BAD BAD BAD question. What does that mean? Does it mean which has the 
most readily accesible energy? Most chemical energy? My interpretation 
would be to use the old E=MC2 routine and say that the largest molecule 
has the most energy. I don't remember the structure of NADPH but I think 
ATP is still larger so I will say (C).

What where the "correct" answers?



sarima@tdatirv.UUCP (Stanley Friesen) (04/28/91)

In article <1991Apr26.142343.9514@ccu.umanitoba.ca> frist@ccu.umanitoba.ca writes:
>Ribulose bisphosphate is the acceptor for CO2 in the reductive pentose
>cycle aka Calvin cycle for carbon fixation. This reaction is catalyzed
>by ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (RUBISCO). Ribulose
>bisphosphate is, therefore, about as intimately involved in photosynthesis
>as you can get!
>For those interested, the reaction in plants with C3 metabolism is
>3 Ribulose-bis-P + 3 CO2 --> 6 glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate

Quite.  As I remeber the details of this is there not also a
+ 12 H (in the form of NADH or some such, from the light reaction of

Also, as I add up the numbers, doesn't this reaction also produce something
else (like 3 H2O ??).  [I seem to remember that the generic formula for
sugars (i.e. carbohydrates) is (CH2O)n].

leading to a reaction formula (for the dark reaction) of:
3 Ribulose-bis-P + 3 CO2 + 6 NADH2 -> 6 Glyceraldehyde-3P + 3 H2O + 3 NAD
[Of course the light reaction involved removing the hydrogen from *6* H2O].

Or am I getting mixed up somewhere?
uunet!tdatirv!sarima				(Stanley Friesen)

sarima@tdatirv.UUCP (Stanley Friesen) (04/28/91)

In article <1991Apr26.185708.19178@alchemy.chem.utoronto.ca> mroussel@alchemy.chem.utoronto.ca (Marc Roussel) writes:
<In article <212@tdatirv.UUCP> sarima@tdatirv.UUCP (Stanley Friesen) writes:
<>In article <1991Apr24.134105.25827@pa.dec.com> mikkelson@breakr.enet.dec.com
<>(snopes) writes:
<>> A "high-energy bond"
<>>  a) absorbs a large amount of free energy when the phosphate group is
<>>     attached during hydrolysis.
<>> ...
<>I choose (a).
<>I suppose a (weak) case might be made for (d) on the grounds that (a)
<>is worded rather poorly.
<It's a little worse than that.  Hydrolysis is the process in which a
<chemical group is removed by the action of water.  (a) is therefore

Oops, I guess I didn't read that very carefully!!  This is one of those cases
where the intended meaning was so obvious to me that I didn't analyze it in

What is the term used in biochemistry for the process of dissociating
water into H and O?

<>>  a) reduced  b) oxidized  c) phosphorylated  d) denatured  e) none of these
<>It is (a) reduced.
<>Taking on hydrogen is the opposite of taking on oxygen.
<>[I.e. it is energetically equivalent to *losing* oxygen].
<> ..
<This definition of reduction is bizarre to say the least.  Oxidation and
<reduction have to do with electrons, not with oxygen.  

Well, I currently you are indeed correct, that is how it is defined *now*.
But historically the term 'oxidation' refered to a reaction in which oxygen
was added to another compound.  And I think that at a beginning level it is
important to base the descriptions on this intuitive definition of oxidation
rather than jumping right into talking about electrons.  [I mean the
beginner is likely to say 'but what do electrons have to do with oxygen?'].

In a sense my comment was not a 'definition' so much as a description.
It is after all true, that oxygen and hydrogen are opposite in thier
affinities for electron, and thus impose opposite oxidation/reduction
[For you beginners - the most natural ion of oxygen is (2-), the most
natural ion of hydrogen is (+) - the bare proton, thus two hydrogens
have exactly the opposite effect as one oxygen]

Then of course one may go on from here and notice that pH is the log of
the hydrogen ion concentration and relaize that acid/base reactions are
closely related to oxydation/reduction reactions  (in fact in some senses
they are the same thing).

As I said, this can get quite confusing to the beginner, going from oxygen
to alkali.

<>>Which of the following has the most energy?
<>>  a) AMP  b) ADP  c) ATP  d) glucose  e) NADPH
<As someone else pointed out, this question is bizarre.  What kind of
<energy are we talking here?  Free energy?  (Probably...)
<     As I promised, I now wish to start a meta-discussion around this exam.
<I have always thought of service courses as a mistake of monumental
<proportions: the content is usually watered down and the emphasis is all
<wrong.  I think that this exam is an ideal example of what happens to
<students whose exposure to a subject comes via a service course: they
<get a muddled view of the field.  Note that I'm not just talking about Stanley
<(who probably gave more or less the answers the original instructor
<expected), but about the instructor who set this exam.

Yeah, I suppose I did, I am real good at that.

I also like to try to present things in a simple way for the beginner.
Sometimes I suppose I get carried away and make things *too* brief.

<     I speak partly from experience as an instructor in one particular
<service course.  The problems as I see them are many and varied.  The
<root problem however is class sizes.  Administrators like service
<courses because they see it as appropriate for these to have very high
<student to teacher ratios.

Oh, just *lovely*, the *worst* possible criterion!  A high student/teacher
ration is just asking for poor education.

The best courses are always the ones with relatively *few* students, so
the teacher can give everyone some time and attention.
(And so everyone can ask all the questions they want).

< This makes it difficult to set a high
<standard (because one is then forced to prepare fairly standard exams to avoid
<spending all of one's time marking) and even more difficult to get the kind
<of feedback one needs to decide how appropriate one's approach to a subject
<is for the particular group being taught.  As a result of the generally
<low standards in service courses, the large publishing houses seem to
<have decreed that all textbooks intended for them shall be thoroughly
<pablumized.  The whole experience seems to be designed to turn students off, no
<matter how hard an individual instructor tries to find ways to reach

Yeah, its true I can scarcely stand most bginning texts.

<     I think about these questions a lot these days.  I have no solutions, but 
<I'd love to hear from you if you have any ideas.  Should we do away
<with service courses altogether or just think up new and more creative
<ways to deliver them?  Should we replace them with frequent
<extradepartmental guest lectures in mainstream courses?  I await your

I do not know the answer here.   It is difficult to figure out.

Of course the most boring class I ever took was when I (stupidly)
decided to take the non-calculus physics rather than the calculus physics.
(Dumb - I bet even the calculus intro to physics course would have been
- in your words - pablum).
uunet!tdatirv!sarima				(Stanley Friesen)

frist@ccu.umanitoba.ca (04/29/91)

In article <221@tdatirv.UUCP> sarima@tdatirv.UUCP (Stanley Friesen) writes:
>In article <1991Apr26.142343.9514@ccu.umanitoba.ca> frist@ccu.umanitoba.ca writes:
>>Ribulose bisphosphate is the acceptor for CO2 in the reductive pentose
>>cycle aka Calvin cycle for carbon fixation. This reaction is catalyzed
>>by ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (RUBISCO). Ribulose
>>bisphosphate is, therefore, about as intimately involved in photosynthesis
>>as you can get!
>>For those interested, the reaction in plants with C3 metabolism is
>>3 Ribulose-bis-P + 3 CO2 --> 6 glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate
>Quite.  As I remeber the details of this is there not also a
>+ 12 H (in the form of NADH or some such, from the light reaction of
>	photosynthesis)
>Also, as I add up the numbers, doesn't this reaction also produce something
>else (like 3 H2O ??).  [I seem to remember that the generic formula for
>sugars (i.e. carbohydrates) is (CH2O)n].
>leading to a reaction formula (for the dark reaction) of:
>3 Ribulose-bis-P + 3 CO2 + 6 NADH2 -> 6 Glyceraldehyde-3P + 3 H2O + 3 NAD
>[Of course the light reaction involved removing the hydrogen from *6* H2O].
>uunet!tdatirv!sarima				(Stanley Friesen)

Okay, here it is, straight out of PLANT BIOCHEMISTRY (Goodwin & Mercer):

(6) D-ribulose 1,5-diphosphate (RuDP aka RuBP)
(6)        [enediiol of RuDP]
                    | + 6CO2
(6)  2-carboxy-3keto-D-ribitol 1,5-diphosphate 
                    | + 6H20 
(12) D-3-phosphoglyceric acid 
                    |<- 12 ATP
                    |-> 12 ADP
(12) 1,3 Diphosphoglyceric acid
                    |<- 12 NADPH + 12H+ 
                    |-> 12 NADP+ + 12Pi 
(12) 3-Phosphoglyceraldehyde

and so forth through the Calvin cycle, and all of this effort just to make
ONE hexose sugar (Fructose 6-phosphate).

Brian Fristensky                |  
Department of Plant Science     | "There's a big ... machine in the sky...
University of Manitoba          | some kind of electric snake... coming
Winnipeg, MB R3T 2N2  CANADA    | straight at us." 
frist@ccu.umanitoba.ca          | "Shoot it," said my attorney.
Office phone:   204-474-6085    |"Not yet," I said,"I want to study its habits"
FAX:            204-275-5128    |H.S. Thompson, FEAR & LOATHING IN LAS VEGAS