[sci.bio] WANTED: Information on Biology/Computer Science related jobs

861033h@aucs.AcadiaU.ca (Michael S. Hogan) (01/12/91)

     I'm looking for information on any jobs in a
Biology/Computer Science related field.

     I will be graduating this April with a B.Sc. in Biology with
a strong minor in Computer Science.  I would like to find a
position that would allow me to utilize both of these fields
equally but don't know if such positions exist or, if they do,
what I should be looking for.

     If anyone has any information, comments, or criticisms they
are willing to pass on in this regards, or as to where else I
could look, I would appreciate it.

     Please send any responses by E-mail as I'm not sure we
receive all of our newsgroups on a regular basis.

Thank you in advance for your time and comments,

Michael Hogan
** Disclaimer:  All the above ideas are mine, only mine, and yet never mine! **
**                       I never sig on the first date!                      **

janeczko@etd4260a.erim.org (Mike Janeczko) (01/15/91)

I currently have a course "Principles of Natural Computing" at Wayne
State University (Detroit, MI) in the CS department.  The professor,
Dr. Conrad, supposedly is a world leader in Natural Computing and
Adaptability (He has published a few books).  The course description
on his syllabus is: 
  This course is concerned with the question: how do biological
systems compute?  What are the mechanisms and principles which enable
humans and other living systems to exhibit certain forms of
intelligence--such as the capacity to create computer programs--which
have not yet been duplicated by artificial systems?  The first half of
the course will concentrate on the basic organizational similarities
and differences between biological systems and computers.  The second
half will concentrate on complex biological computing systems, such as
the immune system and the brain.  Special attention will be given to
pattern recognition, motor control, memory and learning.  

Sound interesting?  I'd suggest contacting Dr. Conrad.  I do not have
the full address, but I can get it easily.

P.S.  I tried to use E-mail, but I kept getting error messages.

Michael Janeczko               |   Environmental Research Institute of Michigan
Research Scientist             |   P.O. Box 8618
internets:                     |   Ann Arbor, MI 48107-8618
 janeczko@etd4260a.erim.org    |   Phone: (313) 994-1200 x2676
 janeczko@vaxa.erim.org        |   

Michael Janeczko               |   Environmental Research Institute of Michigan
Research Scientist             |   P.O. Box 8618
internets:                     |   Ann Arbor, MI 48107-8618
 janeczko@etd4260a.erim.org    |   Phone: (313) 994-1200 x2676
 janeczko@vaxa.erim.org        |   