[sci.bio] Plant growth and UGF's was

oleg@gryphon.COM (Oleg Kiselev) (11/24/89)

In article <3580@quanta.eng.ohio-state.edu> BRIDGE@rcgl1.eng.ohio-state.edu (JOHN BRIDGE) writes:
>    With regard to low flow reverse flow UGF's, what "hard" facts are
>you interested in? 

What I really want is data none of us can get on our financial and temporal
budgets: a table of 12 month results of plants growth and propagation and the
nitrogen data for a variety of gravel depths, flow rates and directions and 
flow methods, with nitial water chemistry, bioload, feeding, plants selection
and lighting being constant.  

Something like this: (rate is in gal per sq. ft., flow is n for normal, r
for reverese, kind is air for air diffuser and pwr for powerhead))

gravel | flow | rate | kind | NH3 | Nitrite | Nitrate | growth/month 
1"     | n    | 1    | air  | ....
1"     | n    | 2    | air  | ....
1"     | n    | 1    | pwr  | ....
1"     | r    | 1    | pwr  | ....
2"     | r    | 1    | pwr  | ....
3"     | r    | 1    | pwr  | ....

That and a set of plots graphically representing the changes in growth and
nitrification as the depth and flow rates are varied.  There may be some
sort of consistent 3D surface that describes the relationship between these
factors when all the rest are held constant.

But who has the money and the time?  Any of you out there reading through
aquaculture and sewage treatment magazines seen any research similar to
			"No regrets, no apologies"   Ronald Reagan

Oleg Kiselev            ARPA: lcc.oleg@seas.ucla.edu, oleg@gryphon.COM
(213)337-5230           UUCP: [world]!{ucla-se|gryphon}!lcc!oleg