[sci.bio] body types

todd@uop.edu (Dr. Nethack) (05/18/88)

A friend of mine used to have a book, that was borrowed.. ;-)

It had sillouettes of body types and features of humans.

Does such a book still exist?  What book did he have?

Please e-mail

Thank you!

"The sum of the intelligence of the world is constant,
                                            The population is growing."
+ uop!todd@uunet.uu.net                                               + 
+                 cogent!uop!todd@lll-winken.arpa                     + 
+                                 {backbone}!ucbvax!ucdavis!uop!todd  + 

hes@ecsvax.UUCP (Henry Schaffer) (06/02/88)

The theory of somatotypes is no longer considered worth emphasizing -
but it still certainly is of great interest in the history of science -

Anyhow - here is an interesting reference

Sheldon, William Herbert

Atlas of men; a guide for somatotyping the adult male at all ages.

Harper  1954  New York

--henry schaffer  n c state univ