[sci.bio] Need help desperately

DSH109@PSUVM.BITNET (dave) (08/30/89)

  I am new to this newsgroup.  I have only been folowing it for a little whil
e.  I figured this might be one of the best places to get some help.
  I am doing a paper on Elasmobronchii (rays and skates in particular).  I am
having some trouble finding sources of information.  The topics discussed is t
he anatomy, phisiology, feeding habits, and lifestyle of the elasmobronchii.  I
 have a few magazine articles already, and some books.  But, I do not have enou
gh sources.  I would greatly appreciate some help.

                                              Thank you in advance,
                                                  Dave Horowitz.

joan@albanycs.Albany.Edu (Joan Bentley) (09/01/89)

Due to a systems crash, I would like a reposting of articles #2050 to #2068.
Thanks much in advance.
