[sci.bio] CFV: sci.archaeology

vgibbs@NMSU.Edu (04/17/91)

**************************** CALL FOR VOTES ******************************

I'd like to invite voting on establishing a new newsgroup to address
archaeology in its many aspects. 

Name:    sci.archaeology

Type:    unmoderated


      1 )  To exchange information on various corcerns in 
           archaeology, including method and theory, pot
           hunting, egyptology, typology, dating, and
           other related topics.
      2 )  To facilitate ongoing debates and comments on 
           ideas or research that may not necessarily be
           in a publishable form.

      3 )  To query other interested archaeologists about 
           resources which could be made generally available. 
           ( e.g. programs, images, data, references, but not
           exact site locations)

      4 )  To keep each other informed on upcoming events of interest 
           to social science researchers and computing in the field 
           of archaeology.

Please cast only a YES or NO vote for the creation of sci.archaeology.
Place your ballot (yes or no) in the subject heading of your message.

Votes should be mailed (not posted) to vgibbs@dante.nmsu.edu no later
than May 12, 1991.