[sci.bio] Neurosciences newsgroup

rs54@cunixf.cc.columbia.edu (Richard Sucgang) (03/25/91)

To all those who are asking about a neurosciences
newsgroup, one has been created under the Bionet flag,
called bio.net.neuroscience.

Here it is.  Make it count.

Richard Sucgang : Dept. of Anatomy and Cell Biology
Columbia University (sucgang@cuhhca.hhmi.columbia.edu; 
de slime god         rs54@cunixf.cc.columbia.edu)

kristoff@genbank.bio.net (David Kristofferson) (03/26/91)

> To all those who are asking about a neurosciences
> newsgroup, one has been created under the Bionet flag,
> called bio.net.neuroscience.
> Here it is.  Make it count.
> -rich
> Richard Sucgang : Dept. of Anatomy and Cell Biology
> Columbia University (sucgang@cuhhca.hhmi.columbia.edu;
> de slime god         rs54@cunixf.cc.columbia.edu)

The USENET newsgroup was just established, but the parallel mailing
lists in Europe are not in place yet.  We would appreciate it if
people would hold off using it until an introductory message is posted
to it announcing its formal startup.  The name posted above is not
correct; the group is bionet.neuroscience.


				David Kristofferson, Ph.D.
				GenBank Manager
