[sci.bio] TOC: Complex Systems

wli@uxh.cso.uiuc.edu (07/16/89)

Journal COMPLEX SYSTEMS  devotes to the rapid publication of research on
the science, mathematics, and engineering of systems with simple components
but complex overall behavior.


Vol 3, Number 1 (February 1989)

Phillippe Binder
	Abnormal Diffusion in Wind-tree Lattice Gases

Henrik Bohr, Soren Brunak
	A Traveling Salesman Approach to Protein Conformation

Stan Franklin, Max Garzon
	Global Dynamics in Neural Networks

Giorgio Mantica, Alan Sloan
	Chaotic Optimization and the Construction of Fractals:
	Solution of an Inverse Problem

Mats G. Nordahl
	Formal Languages and Finite Cellular Automata

Rudy Rucker
	Symbiotic Programming: Crossbreeding Cellular Automaton
	Rules on the CAM-6

Eduardo D. Sontag, Hector J. Sussmann
	Backpropagation Can Give Rise to Spurious Local Minima for
	Networks without Hidden Layers

Klaus Sutner
	A Note on the Culik-Yu Classes

For more information on the journal COMPLEX SYSTEMS, send mail to
Complex Systems Publications, Inc.
P.O.Box 6149                            jcs@complex.ccsr.uiuc.edu (Arpanet) 
Champaign, IL 61821-8149 USA            jcs%complex@uiucuxc.bitnet(Bitnet)