[sci.bio] Attracting fleas...;

lv08+@andrew.cmu.edu (Lili Velez) (10/04/90)

Unfortunately the most potent attractant for fleas I have found, short
of my cats, as always been my feet and ankles.  There have been several
summers where my feet have looked like a war zone because of the little
beasties.  I don't know why they like my feet more than anyone else's
feet in my family...these feet of mine are not particularly smelly, but
fleas love them.

No, I am not interested in selling my feet as flea-bait. :-0
However, perhaps we could figure out what it is that feet have about
them (aside from being near the ground where the fleas are) that makes
them so attractive.


It's late; I should go home now.....
If it isn't late, don't tell me; I still should go home now!