[sci.bio] Culture collection software needed

hanusj@bionette.ucs.orst.edu (Joe Hanus - Botany) (12/30/88)

We are presently organizing a national data base to serve the needs of the
small research-oriented culture collection.  Many of these collections are not
yet organized into computerized databases at the laboratory level.  We need
inexpensive preferablely free software.

1. you have developed your own software and would be willing to share it
2. you are aware of suitable software that can be distributed without copyright
3. you have had experience with commercial packages and would like to share
your opinions

please let us know.

Thanks for your help.

  e-mail to  hanusj@bionette.ucs.orst.edu
  USmail to Joe Hanus
            Senior Research Assistant
            Dept of Botany and Plant Pathology
            Oregon State University
            Corvallis, OR 97331

Joe Hanus