[sci.bio] The Great Dying

buyno@voder.UUCP (03/26/87)

	line eater food

	In response to a request, here is a synopsis of the Kenneth Hsu book,
The Great Dying. Subject of the book is the scientific sleuthwork involved in
the recent (last 10+ yrs) investigations into the problem of the mass extinction
of all sorts of creatures at the end of the Cretaceous.
	The general thrust of the book is somewhat like The Double Helix, being
an exposition of the journey through all the experiments, false leads, misin-
terpretations, new methods, etc, involved in attacking this problem. On the way
is a pretty good analysis of the whole business. Also included are the author's
personal insights (and failings, which he is very open about) on the problem
as well as other problems in paleontology and evolutionary theory.
	I recommend it highly; it was difficult to put down once started. Not
only is the scientific mystery "story" good, but there is considerable human
interest as well.