[sci.bio] Chaos Newsgroup?

hough@lamont.Columbia.edu (sue hough) (05/12/88)

Reading Gleick's book title "Chaos: The making of a new science" inspires me to
 see if anybody out there, besides myself, would be interested in getting a new
 newsgroup going on the subject of Chaos/fractals/nonlinear dynamics.  It
 strikes me as such an interdisciplinary subject that any discussion would be
 more appropriate in a separate news group rather than sci.math or sci.physics.
 For want of a better name, it could go under sci.chaos, although this is
 admittedly ambiguous.
As I understand the standard procedures, I need to collect votes on the 
 subject.  email votes to me at hough@lamont.ldgo.columbia.edu by June 11.

gae@osupyr.mast.ohio-state.edu (Gerald Edgar) (05/13/88)

How about using the existing group on dynamical systems and chaos:
  comp.theory.dynamic-sys ?
  Gerald A. Edgar                               TS1871@OHSTVMA.bitnet
  Department of Mathematics                     gae@osupyr.mast.ohio-state.edu
  The Ohio State University  ...{akgua,gatech,ihnp4,ulysses}!cbosgd!osupyr!gae
  Columbus, OH 43210                            70715,1324  CompuServe

vu0112@bingvaxu.cc.binghamton.edu (Cliff Joslyn) (05/13/88)

In article <566@rocks.lamont.Columbia.edu> hough@lamont.Columbia.edu (sue hough) writes:
>Reading Gleick's book title "Chaos: The making of a new science" inspires me to
> see if anybody out there, besides myself, would be interested in getting a new
> newsgroup going on the subject of Chaos/fractals/nonlinear dynamics.  

I am also a student of the subject.  This idea was brought up a few
months ago, and I was making noise about it.  The response I generally
got was: use existing groups.

| Cliff Joslyn, Cybernetician at Large
| Systems Science, SUNY Binghamton, vu0112@bingvaxu.cc.binghamton.edu
V All the world is biscuit shaped. . .

gae@osupyr.mast.ohio-state.edu (Gerald Edgar) (05/17/88)

Someone recently proposed starting a group on chaos, dynamical systems, and
fractals.  I replied: "use the existing group comp.theory.dynamic-sys".  I have
been receiving email saying: "I con't find that group", "it is not on the
most recent list of newsgroups", etc.  Does someone know the truth about it?
At our site, there was a recent message on the group, but it was only
an exchange about sending test messages.
  Gerald A. Edgar                               TS1871@OHSTVMA.bitnet
  Department of Mathematics                     gae@osupyr.mast.ohio-state.edu
  The Ohio State University  ...{akgua,gatech,ihnp4,ulysses}!cbosgd!osupyr!gae
  Columbus, OH 43210                            70715,1324  CompuServe

doug-merritt@cup.portal.com (05/19/88)

Gerald asks about the dyamic-sys newsgroup. I've posted to it, and
received replies to my posting. That was over a month ago. It may
not be carried everywhere for some reason, but it *is* in existence.

gae@osupyr.mast.ohio-state.edu (Gerald Edgar) (05/20/88)

In article <5599@cup.portal.com> doug-merritt@cup.portal.com writes:
>Gerald asks about the dyamic-sys newsgroup. I've posted to it, and
>received replies to my posting. That was over a month ago. It may
>not be carried everywhere for some reason, but it *is* in existence.
>   Doug

comp.theory.dynamic-sys is part of the inet distribution. If you don't
know what that means (I don't) try asking your sys admin.

  Gerald A. Edgar                               TS1871@OHSTVMA.bitnet
  Department of Mathematics                     gae@osupyr.mast.ohio-state.edu
  The Ohio State University  ...{akgua,gatech,ihnp4,ulysses}!cbosgd!osupyr!gae
  Columbus, OH 43210                            70715,1324  CompuServe