[sci.bio] redtailed hawks - subspecies thereof

J.M.Spencer@newcastle.ac.uk (J.M. Spencer) (09/03/90)

I am researching the redtailed hawk _Buteo jamaicensis_ which is closely
related to the European Common Buzzard _Buteo buteo_.  I would like to
know how many subspecies are currently recognised.  It is clear that during
the 1930's there were between 3 and 5 subspecies and that the species was
then known as _Buteo borealis_.  I will be grateful for any information
on how many subspecies are currently recognised, their names, and the
identifying features with geographical ranges.  My interest stems from
my being a falconer who flies a redtail and the fact that the species is
not indigenous to Europe.

Sender : Jonathan M Spencer
Mail   : Computing Lab, University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, NE1 7RU, UK
Phone  : +91 222 8229
ARPA   : J.M.Spencer%newcastle.ac.uk@cs.ucl.ac.uk
JANET  : J.M.Spencer@uk.ac.newcastle
UUCP   : !ukc!newcastle.ac.uk!J.M.Spencer