[sci.bio] Subject: Re: Relationship between large primates ?

jackson@utzoo.UUCP (Don Jackson) (10/30/87)

mcardle@utzoo.UUCP (Mike McArdle) writes:
>>Are these classifications and their associated divergence times based
>>on phenetic or phylogenetic analyses? Do both methods provide similar

while wcalvin@well.UUCP (William Calvin) replies:
>Evolutionary trees have traditionally been constructed on the basis of
>comparative anatomy; since 1963, we've had molecular clocks of various
>sorts, and the betting is that comparisons of DNA sequences will be much
>more definitive.  See Roger Lewin's news article in last week's SCIENCE
>for a good rundown.

It appears to me that wcalvin@well missed the point of mcardle@utzoo's
question. He was not asking about the difference in the choice of data
(i.e. morphometric and meristic versus genetic) but rather the choice of
methodology in analyzing the data. The choice between a phylogenetic and
a phenetic analysis may lead to dramatically different classifications
even though the same data may be used. Certainly any good cladist will
explain in detail the important differences between the methods and
the "enlightenment" which follows the phylogenetic path.
Name:   Don Jackson
Mail:   Dept. Zoology, Univ. Toronto
        Toronto, Ontario, Canada    M5S 1A1
UUCP:   {allegra,ihnp4,linus,decvax}!utzoo!jackson