[sci.bio] NCSA Gel Reader

roy@phri.UUCP (Roy Smith) (11/15/89)

	Has anybody gotten NCSA Gel Reader to do anything?  I've scanned a
sequencing gel on an Apple scanner at 300 dpi greyscale and saved the
resulting image as a PICT file.  When I try to open the file from within
Gel Reader, it just waits about a second and then it's as if nothing
happened.  The scanned image is pretty big, but I've tried cropping the
image and making a smaller PICT file using AppleScan and increasing the
partition given to GelReader.  I'm up to a 4000k partition and down to a 1
Meg PICT and still no luck.  I even tried it under unifinder, but that's
even worse; then I get a system error (ID = 01).  I'm using version 1.0
Beta 1.
Roy Smith, Public Health Research Institute
455 First Avenue, New York, NY 10016
{att,philabs,cmcl2,rutgers,hombre}!phri!roy -or- roy@alanine.phri.nyu.edu
"The connector is the network"