[sci.bio] Human eyes and colors

atk@stekt.oulu.fi (Antti Kyll|nen) (02/05/91)

I read something about eyes reacting on different wavelengths of light
... and recall something like there should be three 'Gauss functions'
or something like that... one for red-yellow, one for green and one
for blue-violet. This may sound confusing but I hope someone
understands. I would like to know more about these .... if they can be
approximated as mathematical functions or something. Please email your
answers or further questions if I didn't make enough sense :)

           Antti Kyll|nen, Tiilitie 17D30, 90650 Oulu, Finland
              Tel: +358-81-5301769  Email: atk@stekt.oulu.fi
	           T{m{ n{in p|yt{kirjan ulkopuolella.