[sci.bio] clarification on moderated newsgroup discussing creationism

rpjday@violet.waterloo.edu (Rob Day) (04/18/88)

  It seems that perhaps I should clarify just what I was after in
my original posting, inviting interested parties to participate in
a mailing list cum moderated newsgroup discussing the scientific
aspects of creationism.
  The primary purpose of the group will be EDUCATION, and will attempt
(attempt, nothing, it WILL!) to disseminate information on the current
hot topics in creationism, references to refutations and the like.
The potential audience are those who see scientific creationism as a 
threat to academic freedom and who wish to be better informed.
This group includes, above all others, secondary school educators
who realize that this is something they will have to deal with
eventually but are not sure how to go about it.
  A secondary function of the group will be to exchange information
on the current situation in their area, what is required at their
local school board level, whether there is current pressure from
creationist organizations on their school board and how others
have dealt with this problem.
  My original posting compared this group with an organization called
the Committees of Correspondence, which is a grass-roots organization
that sponsors the journal "Creation/Evolution" and its accompanying
newsletter and whose mandate is much the same -- education.  I will
be more than happy to describe this group in more gory detail once
our group has been formed.
  The bottom line is that this group is not for those who want to sit
around and talk about the problem, it's for those who either are or
will be involved with DOING something about it and want to know how.
Anyone with questions, feel free to mail me and I will do my best to
be informative.  Thanks for your patience.

R Day					rpjday@violet.uucp
CS Department                         rpjday%violet@waterloo.csnet
U. of Waterloo       rpjday%violet%waterloo.csnet@csnet-relay.arpa