[sci.bio] acid well and sodium

smh@mhuxu.UUCP (S. M. Henning) (09/09/87)

In article <4256@hplabsb.UUCP>, piety@hplabsb.UUCP (Bob Piety) writes:
> If the water is neuralized with sodium bicarbonate/carbonate/hydroxide,
> there won't be any significant leaching of copper, which is quite non-
> toxic in these amounts, anyway-- I've researched it.

However, this will introduce sodium which is known to cause health problems
for people with blood pressure and other problems.  Potassium and calcium 
versions of the above materials can be used in their place. The local water
treatment company prefers the calcium system as the most NATURAL since
nature uses calcium compounds to remove acidity in the ground.  This
introduces a degree of HARDNESS which is a measure of the calcium.
Potassium systems usually use feed pumps which are supposedly notoriously
unreliable unless you get a $3000 commercial system.

From the keys of Steve Henning, AT&T Bell Labs, Reading, PA mhuxu!smh