[sci.bio] Sequence Analysis Software...

elliston@rob.UUCP ( Keith Elliston) (06/22/89)


I am doing some sequence analysis on proteins, and need a program to determine
the amphipathic helicity of specific proteins.  I have modified the program
of Margalit et al (J. Immunology 138:2213-2229, 1987) to work within the 
GCG sequence analysis package.  But, I would like to be able to use different
hydrophobicity scales, other than the Fauchere-pliska scale.  My question is
this... which scales would be compatable, and what is a good reference for 
them?  Also... are there any other programs for doing this kind of analysis?

Additionally, I need a program to design oligonucleotides, based upon a peptide
sequence.  What I need the program to do is to look at a known peptide sequence
and determine the best site for reverse engineering an oligo probe.  it should
look for the best Tm range, and the fewest possible permutations of the 
sequence (e.g., find Met and Phe codons and etc....).  Anyone have such a 
program, or know where I can find one.  If someone has fortran code for it, I
can modify it to run on my system (did I mention that I am running a Vax 8820
under VMS, so anything that runs here is most appreciated).

One more thing... is there a group that is dedicated to sequence analysis, and
the tools for doing same?  If not, I think that such a group would be of wide
interest, and considering that  most of us who do seq. anal. extensively are
rather computer literate, I think such a group would see extensive use.

Thanks for the info....


Keith O. Elliston                        |  Usenet:  uunet!rob!elliston 
Senior Information Scientist             |  Arpanet: rob!elliston@uunet.uu.net 
Merck Sharp & Dohme Res. Lab.            |  Bitnet:  elliston%rob.uucp@psuvax1
Rahway, NJ  07065  U.S.A.                |   -or-    elliston@biovax 
Disclaimer:  I can have no OFFICIAL comments about anything........

kristoff@NET.BIO.NET (David Kristofferson) (06/28/89)


	The BIO-SOFTWARE group is the appropriate place for people
interested in sequence analysis to hold their discussions since this
bulletin board grew out of organizations such as SEQNET and BIONET
which are primarily interested in this problem.  Although BIO-SOFTWARE
also covers a broader range of topics, it makes sense not to split off
a separate newsgroup until the volume warrants it.

				Dave Kristofferson
				BIONET Resource Manager

			     or	kristofferson@bionet-20.bio.net