[sci.bio] AIDS again

rising@utzoo.uucp (Jim Rising) (08/28/89)

I'll vote with David Honig on this one.  There's a world of
difference in trying to understand a situation and determining
what (if any) political/medical/social action is followed.  I,
for one, am much more frightened by autos (even with sober drivers)
than AIDS, but it is still important to study AIDS--and perhaps not
irrelevant to study the possibility that arthropods could be vectors.
--Jim Rising
Name:     Jim Rising
Mail:     Dept. Zoology, Univ. Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada    M5S 1A1
UUCP:     uunet!attcan!utzoo!rising 
BITNET:   rising@utzoo.utoronto.bitnet