[sci.bio] Membrane Proteins

joan@uncmed.med.unc.edu (08/16/90)

If there is anyone out there in netland who has worked with membrane
proteins (esp. in assay situations), PLEASE, I NEED HELP AND LOTS OF

Joan Shields
Dept. of Anesthesiology
"Will you miss me, will you miss me, miss me when I'm gone?"

joan@ocean.med.unc.edu (Joan Shields) (08/24/90)

In article <840@beguine.UUCP> joan@uncmed.med.unc.edu () writes:
>If there is anyone out there in netland who has worked with membrane
>proteins (esp. in assay situations), PLEASE, I NEED HELP AND LOTS OF

've gotten lots of replies to my query and I would like to thank all who
have answered my plea for help.

I guess I should have been more detailed about what I am interested in.  I
am working with c-fos proteins in rat brains.  I have been using an ELISA
assay, which I have had little trouble with, however I have been having
problems finding a detergent that will either not interfere with the ELISA
or that is easily removed.  References, and of course any hints and
advice, will be happily received.

Thanks again.

Joan Shields
"There's rumors in the loading bay there's anger in the town
Somebody blew the whistle and the walls came down"

v151luy2@ubvmsa.cc.buffalo.edu (Scott D McGinnis) (09/10/90)

In article <915@beguine.UUCP>, joan@ocean.med.unc.edu (Joan Shields) writes...
>In article <840@beguine.UUCP> joan@uncmed.med.unc.edu () writes:
>>If there is anyone out there in netland who has worked with membrane
>>proteins (esp. in assay situations), PLEASE, I NEED HELP AND LOTS OF
	Actually, I tried to E-Mail you but for some reason 
you are out of my jurisdiction.
	I have alot of experience w/ ELISAs and have worked
purifying the Rhodopsin/GTP-ase/PDE-ase sytem *functionally*
What I don't understand is the nature of you ELISA 
problems? Be exact I can understand any tech. jargon. 
As for the C-fos system which I am unfamiliar, can you 
tell me weither it is the G-protein in the cascade or
does it play another role? Is the detergent necessary 
to purify it, or is the detergent in the ELISA wash 
buffer (your wording is unclear)? Do you need help 
purifying other enzymes such as the membrane protein
in your system which activates the G-protein and the
Adenylate Cyclase (if that's what it is)? And I am 
interested in *how* you intend to assay this system:
for instance, the formation of cAMP ect.? Finally,
does the system need to be reconstituted into mem-
brane vesicles in order to be functional (a potent-
ial pain in the rump right here)?
	I know that this is a lengthy cross-exam. but I
can handle any technical jargon I am quite familiar
with both of these systems as I've said. You may 
want to E-mail me direct so as not to clutter up
 the newsgroup.