[sci.bio] breeding marine fish

richard@gryphon.CTS.COM (Richard Sexton) (05/01/88)

In article <3021@leo.UUCP> harald@leo.UUCP ( Harald Milne) writes:
>into this from sci.bio, perhaps we should cross post? At least in this
>newsgroup we are not trying to mutilate or alter mice !
>	What do you think ?
>	Any budding marine bioligists out here? Let's hook up!

Pardon my cynicism, but there's a difference between ichthyologists
and a bunch of programmers reading sci.bio

If anybody really can tell me whatever the resolution was with
genus Apistogramma, or what happened to genus Roloffia I'd
be thrilled all to hell and gone.

               "Words of wisdom Lloyd, words of wisdom"
richard@gryphon.CTS.COM                          rutgers!marque!gryphon!richard