[sci.bio] "Reproductive Behavior and Health in Consanguineous Marriages"

cl@lgc.com (Cameron Laird) (06/01/91)

Discussion of incest avoidance crops up in this newsgroup
from time to time.  One recent article which might interest
readers has appears on pages 789-794 of *Science*, volume
252 (10 May 1991), and has the title I've copied into the
"Subject: " line.  The abstract reads

	"In many regions ..., consanguineous [generally
	second cousin or closer, in this article] mar-
	riages currently account for approximately 20%
	to 50% of all unions ...  [S]tudies conducted
	in such populations indicate that the adverse
	effects associated with inbreeding are experi-
	enced by a minority of familiies."

Cameron Laird				+1 713-579-4613
cl@lgc.com (cl%lgc.com@uunet.uu.net)	+1 713-996-8546