[sci.bio] Voice of the People

werner@aecom.UUCP (Craig Werner) (12/02/86)

The following appeared in the Letters to the Editor page
of the New York Daily News on Sat. Nov 22, 1986.  The
appropriateness of this newsgroup will become apparent
only at the end of the letter:

	Science Lesson
	Bronx: About Cal Thomas' col-
	umn "Let's teach both fact and
	fiction" on creationism and
	evolution:  He subtly implies
	that it is evolution that is the
	fiction.  Evolution is incon-
	trovertible fact.  It is only the
	explanations of it mechanisms
	that are theories.  He is wrong in
	saying that the court of public
	opinion should decide which is
	right.  In science, there is only
	one standard: the weight of the
	evidence.  And although the evi-
	dence is incomplete regarding
	evolution, it completely rules
	out a creationist scenario.
	    Craig Werner, Albert Einstein
                      College of Medicine

As this posting is pure self-aggrandizement, no followups would be

			      Craig Werner (MD/PhD '91)
              (1935-14E Eastchester Rd., Bronx NY 10461, 212-931-2517)
            "When I was your age, I always did it for half an hour a day."