[sci.bio] Left Handed Sugar

throop@cs.utexas.edu (David Throop) (11/29/90)

  What ever happened to left-handed sugar?

  About 3 years ago, somebody reported that an optical isomer of sucrose
was actually sweet.  The articles I saw said that earlier literature had
reported that this isomer was foul tasting, but this had been caused by
a contaminant.  Anyway, the discovery was that this form actually tasted

  But, (and here was the exciting part!) the body couldn't digest this
form of sucrose.  This promised a *great* sweetener - tastes just like
sucrose, you can bake with it, cook with it, just like sucrose, but
never get fat!  And there was a bunch of hoopla....

  And now what? No reports!  No rumors!  No ice cream!  No left handed
chocolate chip cookies!  No sinister macadamia brandy fudge truffles!

  And I keep getting fatter....

  Others may ask "Where's the beef?"  But I ask "Where's the sugar?"

David Throop

kuento@kuhub.cc.ukans.edu (11/30/90)

In article <1064@ai.cs.utexas.edu>, throop@cs.utexas.edu (David Throop) writes:
>   What ever happened to left-handed sugar?
>   Others may ask "Where's the beef?"  But I ask "Where's the sugar?"
> David Throop

How much do you wanna bet that the industrial whizzes found that it
simply cost too much to mass-produce competitively? This is not to say
that it wouldn't be possible to custom-design a bacterium to secrete
the stuff by the ton, but who would ever invest the time and money to
make the attempt? Come on! This involves *profits*! Since when has
industry been after anything but a cheap "quick fix"? (no flames from
outraged industrialists, please - though it isn't *entirely*
Doug Yanega        (Snow Museum, Univ. of KS, Lawrence, KS 66045)
My card: 0 The Fool         "UT!"          Bitnet: kuento@ukanvax
"This is my theory, such as it is....which is mine. AAH-HEM!"

throop@cs.utexas.edu (David Throop) (12/06/90)

OK, I've seen a bunch of interesting, different responses to my
original post about Left Handed Sugar.

   There still seems to be a great deal of confusion about the
chemistry and stereochemistry of the compound in question.  The
reports I saw in the polular press did not carry enough info to
identify it.  They just called it "Left Handed Sugar," indicated it
was an isomer of sucrose, and said it was indigestible.

   Anybody really know (for sure) which compound was being referenced?
This all hit the press about two years ago now.

David Throop