[sci.bio] hardware for image processing

knewton@watdcsu.UUCP (07/13/87)


       We are starting up a vision processing  system in our biology
    lab and are looking for a digitizer for the ibm pc at. It should
    digitize standard video signals to 512 x 512 x 8 bits. For monetary
    reasons, it does not need to have a buffer, but can act as an i/o
    device which simply grabs a frame. Please email me anything you might
    find, and i would appreciate any advice from people who have done this

                                 thank you

                                     k. glen newton



dennisw@tekigm2.TEK.COM (Dennis Ward) (07/15/87)

Tektronix IBM PC imaging system - originally sold for digitizing
analog oscilloscope CRT images, can be used for many other imaging

It's called the DCS01, and can probably be found in your university's
electronics buildings.  It digitizes to *YES* 512 x 512 x 8.  A canned
software package is available for 'scope waveforms, and a driver
library can be had cheap (Microsoft C 4.0).
- Dennis Ward	tektronix!tekigm2!dennisw