[sci.bio] Conversions of measurements

nigelc@cognos.UUCP (Nigel Campbell) (12/05/90)

Could someone email me the rules that are used during conversions of
measurements based on the number originally entered . I am working
on several Natural Science Curator systems (Vascular Plants,Phycology etc)
and noone seems able to tell me what periodical/book defines them .
Unfortunatley their old computer systems seems to have some bugs in the
logic and I do not have access to the original source code hence the posting.

	eg. If I entered 5 Miles and converted to Metres or

Sorry if this is not the correct board . Thanks in advance
Nigel Campbell          Voice: (613) 783-6828                P.O. Box 9707
Cognos Incorporated       FAX: (613) 738-0002                3755 Riverside Dr.
uucp: nigelc@cognos.uucp || uunet!mitel!cunews!cognos!nigelc Ottawa, Ontario
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