[sci.bio] Homeobox proteins

bjornal@ifi.uio.no (Bj|rn Alsberg) (07/11/90)

Are there any data bases which contains information about
amino acid sequences for comparable regions of homeobox
proteins for different animals?
If possible, please inform about addresses (FTP?) and/or
persons to contact. In beforehand: Thank you very much for
all help !


Bj|rn Alsberg                           ! Net:      bjornal@ifi.uio.no          

kristoff@genbank.BIO.NET (David Kristofferson) (07/13/90)

I am sure that this kind of information is included in the SWISS-PROT
database which is run by Amos Bairoch in collaboration with the EMBL.
You can contact him at bairoch@cgecmu51.bitnet.

				Dave Kristofferson
				GenBank On-line Service Manager
