[sci.bio] Hair Restorers

jaw7509@ritcv.UUCP (John WHite) (08/08/87)

	I've been hearing abit about some new breakthrough in
hair restoration. To do a short technical digression, I guess
what researchers agree causes hair to fall out is that 
cholesterol (sp?), some male hormone (testoserone?), and some 
other crap (real technical) start collecting in the pore that 
the root lives in. When enough of this death-slime collects, 
it chokes off the oxygen supply to the root and the root kicks 
the bucket. So, what some cholesterol genius did was to find a 
chemical that breaks down the cholesterol. I guess that 
cholesterol is the binding agent of this death-slime and once 
it's gone, the rest of the goo can be washed away. Am I talking 
over anyone's head? :-)

	Now come the questions: Does any of what I just said have so
much as a shred of truth to it? I think even Chanel is pushing a hair tonic
so it seems on the level. (I'm such a sucker for Madison Ave.) Has 
anyone tried any of the products? Did it work? Further, on a 
theoretical basis, does this make sense? Once a hair root is dead, 
can it be resurected? Should I use this crud (and expensive crud it is)
as a preventitive measure. How did the product fare in FDA studies? 
If I use it now, will my skull collapse when I'm fifty?

John White   40 Belmont St.   Rochester,   N.Y.   14620

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