[sci.bio] BAL31

geoffk@bio73.unsw.oz (Geoff Kornfeld) (11/24/87)

I am relaying this for David Mitchell who is on CSIROnet:


From:	SXR::MITCHELL     23-NOV-1987 16:07
Subj:	Reply to diaz@aecom.YU.EDU

diaz@eacom.YU.EDU Dear DDD, 
	Read with interest your problem about engineering gene behind ribosome
binding site.

Oligonucleotide engineering Vs ExoIII Deletions

One unit ExoIII removes 50 bases/min at 37 C or for the layman, about 
one base/second. Assuming you can muck around with the conditions you might 
almost get it slow enough to remove an aliquot with a window of 10 bases 
either side of your rbs. Then you have to transform and sequence a 1000 colonies
to geta bang on deletion. In your own words yuck, what a pain!


Biorad now have a nifty kit that even I can get to work for oligonucleotide
engineering. Better than 70% mutants.

Day 1  Make deletion oligo
       Transform plasmid into Biorad special strain No. 1

Day 2  Purify oligo
       Isolate single strand DNA for mutagenesis

Day 3  Do mutagenesis and transform into Biorad special strain No. 2

Day 4/5 Pick six transformants, grow up and sequence. 

Day 6  Engineered gene ready to use.

                                     DAVID MITCHELL