[sci.bio] Mosquito Reference Books: Help

prmjk@nt.sait.edu.au (03/18/91)

Our newly-begun Mosquito Research Group at the University of South Australia
has been given a grant to establish a small library of useful reference
books on the behaviour, ecology, physiology, taxonomy and general biology
of mosquitoes.
        I would be very grateful if anyone out there has recommendations
for books that they think we really should buy.  Please Email me direct
with the book titles and authors.
        Many thanks in advance!


Dr. Michael Kokkinn (Zoologist)             ELECTRONIC MAIL ADDRESS:
School of Pharmacy                                 PRMJK@NT.SAIT.EDU.AU
The University of South Australia
North Terrace                               PHONE:
Adelaide                                      (08) 236 2641  (office CB4-38)
South Australia                               (08) 236 2391  (secretary RB3)
5001                                        + 61 8 236 2391  (from overseas)
                                            FACSIMILE: (08) 223 6511
DATE: Mon. 18th March 1991     "The essential cannot be seen with the eyes."
TIME: 5.31 p.m.                                         The Little Prince