[sci.bio] Address for Dr. Werner Ricker needed.

wdr@wang.com (William Ricker) (02/07/90)

I have received, by odd happenstance, an Airmail Letter addressed to
   Dr. Werner RICKER
   c/o School of Mathematics
   Flinders University
   Bedford Pk.
   S.A. 5042
from one Ishihara in Honjo-machi, Saga, Japan.  Anyone knowing Dr. Ricker's
current mailing address (postal or electronic) is requested to respond BY
EMAIL to me so I can send it to him.  

The Happenstance, for the curious and for information: It was forwarded from
Flinders to the U.of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, where someone knew
my address and, seeing only "Dr. W. Ricker" on the outer enveloppe with
an AUSTRALIAN return address & SanFrancisco Postmark, assumed that it was
for me, and sent it on to Boston.

  (I think I know who it was; he obviously hasn't read "Chaos: Making
of a new Science" by Gleick carefully, as Dr. W.E.Ricker of Australia gets
a footnote in chapter 2, p.63, as an early worker on the fractal nature
of biological populations, cited in May's book; in any case, this BA-Maths 
is muchly complimented by the confusion.  Why he thought I'd get mail 
from Australia addressed to UI-UC I don't know.)

  I would like to forward it to Dr. Werner Ricker, if I can find him; if 
not, I will have to return it, much delayed, to its sender.  (Japanese postmark
was 1989/12/18; SFran 1990/1/24; Received in Boston MA USA 1990/2/5.)

Please repost to any newsgroup that you think would be amused, as increased
circulation only increases my chances of finding Dr. Ricker.

Please reply to any of the following paths, if you know Dr. Ricker:
  +1 (508)967-2663 Office & Voice Mail
and all the "obvious" permutations.

(For that matter, any other Rickers out there interested in the geneology
of Rickers can drop me a line, but please change the subject line!)

--- Bill Ricker
Disclaimer: Not only am I probably no provable relation, my employer
   probably would disapprove of this at least as much as my other net
   posts when they get the phone bill.