[sci.bio] Update of Sequence Logo Programs

toms@fcs260c2.ncifcrf.gov (Tom Schneider) (12/09/90)

Both makelogo and alpro have been upgraded again.  They now display small
sample variance as an error bar ('I-beam') at the top of the sequence logo.
This is important to have because with it one can avoid being fooled by small
sample sizes.  The previous versions are now OBSOLETE, and should not be used;
obtain the new ones: makelogo 6.00 or higher and alpro 1.36 or higher.  The
example makelogop files have also been modified.  The old makelogop files will
work with the new programs.  Also, the fonts for the titles are now
Times-Bold.  The examples have been all updated, and are now in color.  (If you
have a black and white printer they will come out as different shades of grey.)

Delila files are available on Internet by anonymous ftp from ncifcrf.gov in the directory pub/delila.  In the ftp directory, all files except README are
compressed by the Unix compress command.  (So they end with a ".Z")  Don't
forget to use the binary transfer mode when you transport them.

The files are also available to people on BITNET from Dan Davison
(davison@uh.edu) on "gene-server%bchs.uh.edu@CUNYVM" (many thanks to Dan for
this service).  It may take a day or two for Dan to put the files up, so be
sure you get the right versions.

  Tom Schneider
  National Cancer Institute
  Laboratory of Mathematical Biology
  Frederick, Maryland  21702-1201